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Bigger topic to come later, but right now, I need help ASAP


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So today is the anniversary of my partner's death--and also the night my roommate wants to celebrate her birthday.

She's out now, and I'm supposed to join her at a bar in a little while, but I literally cannot stop crying. I don't know what to do. 

She's been really supportive to me, and I really want to be there to celebrate her birthday, but I just can't stop the tears. The waterworks were really hardcore earlier, and now they're not so bad, but whenever I attempt to get up to get ready I just go back to tears streaming, including now.


Any advice on how to stop it long enough so I can just go out and fake happy for a little while? Also, I need tips to how to nonchalantly not drink when my roommate knows I'm down to drink normally (especially considering we were having wine together last night). Help, please.

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Just be yourself. No need to fake. That's what I learned. The more I pretend I'm okay, the more I feel hurt. I prefer to cry. It made me feel better afterwards.

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Just be yourself. No need to fake. That's what I learned. The more I pretend I'm okay, the more I feel hurt. I prefer to cry. It made me feel better afterwards.

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Just be yourself. No need to fake. That's what I learned. The more I pretend I'm okay, the more I feel hurt. I prefer to cry. It made me feel better afterwards.

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Just be yourself. No need to fake. That's what I learned. The more I pretend I'm okay, the more I feel hurt. I prefer to cry. It made me feel better afterwards.

  • Members

Just be yourself. No need to fake. That's what I learned. The more I pretend I'm okay, the more I feel hurt. I prefer to cry. It made me feel better afterwards.


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