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Lost my Mom


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I am not sure where to find the "support group" on here, so maybe this is it.  

Lost my Mom in January.  Had what amounted to a custody battle with my brother over her care. It was a nightmare for both my Mom and I.  She was in favor of staying with me, but he was after the money.  No one cared or helped.  I did not see her for over a year before she passed.  She died alone while my brother was away.  It was awful.  Still recovering - don't think I will ever get over it.  

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I am so sorry to hear about the sad situation that you had to endure. To lose a close loved one, and have external pressure from an unexpected source just adds to the sadness of the situation. I know that you mentioned that you are looking for a support group, it is a good idea to reach out to others who have suffered thru similar things.

I would also encourage you to look for a more lasting solution. Phil 4:6,7 provides the answer "let your petitions be made known to God; 7: and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus." So prayers can be a source of relief, it can give us peace of mind, thru the worst situations. But that brings up the following questions.."How should we pray? ", And more importantly. ."Does God hear our prayers? ".

For more information on this, and many other comforting bible promises, please click the followings link:


May you find peace

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