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Still trying to fight my own demons.


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I'm new to this whole forum posting so bare with me. On May 13, 2015 I got the call from my mom that my little brother hung himself. he was 22 years old. I grew up with him for over 18 years. I always knew that he wanted more out of his life than he thought he was capable of. The last conversation I had with him was him asking me if he can live with me and my wife for a couple months so he can get his ged.

I met my wife and left home before my parents split. He struggled when my parents split up and got into gangs and drugs. Almost 2 months later I'm finally starting to understand his descision. Finally back into the daily grind at work. They're busting my ass, mandatory 60 hrs a week that only help me focus. My little brother developed voices in his head that I think eventually got to him.

What hurts me the most is the thought that I've could've been there more for him. I didn't do as much as I can as an older brother to him.

I've had problems with alcoholism in the past and it's back again. My wife and 2 year old daughter come home to me only to be drunk. I have my good days and bad days. Today I'm having a bad day. How can I be strong for them and grieve at the same time.

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I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. If you ever want to talk I pop in and out of the chat room during the day or you could message me a time and I could plan on being online then.

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