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On 26 May our beautiful Silky Terrier, Joy, left us after 15 years - I should say my daughter's silky terrier Joy but like every beloved pet in a family she became owned by all of us in some way.  I have never lost a pet before so it came as quite a shock to realise just how much I missed her, so I decided to write an Ode to Joy - so to speak.  Joy took us all on such a journey, she was a minx that's for sure but she would lay her life on the line for any of us. Anyway, it has been over two months now since her little hard-working heart wore out and she began having seizures. True to the amazing dog she was, she was chasing her brother Chester and sister Katie (border collies) and keeping them in line the day before she collapsed.


Because I work from home I used to spend a lot of time with Joy and Chester and Katie, who still look out for her, expecting her to pop out from behind a tree or bush. I am handling my grief by writing about her and it has taken a while but I have finally finished my tribute to Joy and invite you to wander down Memory Lane with me -  http://organicfoodheals.com/loss-of-a-pet/


As part of the journey of letting go I also made a small youtube video (mainly to help my daughter Nicky who is missing Joy so much).



Joy was an amazing, tenacious, clever, cheeky, naughty, loud, gorgeous companion and the best escape artist as you will see in the video. I could not believe what I saw as I was videoing her from quite a distance - one minute she was there in front of the gate, the next she was gone! It was only when watching the video back that I saw what she had done!   She then had the nick-name Joydini.   :)


Big hug to you all going through this grieving experience, which is so personal and individual.  I hope my tribute helps you with your loss and that as time passes and the pain of separation subsides you will again laugh at the antics and memories of your beloved pet.  I wrote this poem not long after Joy had passed and we had decided to plant a pet memorial garden - our Joy rose garden.  Not long after we laid Joy to rest this beautiful rosebud appeared - in the middle of winter! 


For Joy 

They say a dog is man’s best friend,

but my opinion may differ;

For I say Joy was a gal’s best friend,

a big bark, a big soul, a big sniffer!

Who protected us all from strangers galore

and anyone else who dared knock on our door;

Who shared all she was every moment of time

and protecting her family laid her life on the line.

Joy was cheeky and bright, full of life I suppose

and now where she lies, there is growing a rose.    





Here is the Blue Moon rosebud that is growing where Joy lies.  That is Red in the background - Nicky's horse.  Joy spent many a happy time barking at Red when he walked past the dog yard, now she gets to see him everyday.  

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