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For any of you who have lost a parent or loved one


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It is a continual struggle, as you all well know. Nearly 4 months ago I suddenly lost the most important man in my life, my daddy. I am 19 years old and never imagined a life without him. However from all of this I begun to blog, and I wanted to put my blog out there for any of you should you choose to read it or skim over it. It is nitty gritty and to the point and highlights the real truth about grief journeys. I won't pretend I am an expert as I too am still very early in my grief. I do however want to extend it to you all as I have received many lovely messages and would love to help out others.



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Wow!  Thank you so much for sharing such that. 


I lost my father on March 28th.  Completely unexpected.  And he wasn't just my father, he was my best friend.  It's been very daunting.  At times I question if I'm actually losing my mind or going insane.  Your entire blog put so many of my thoughts into words.  And that has been such a horrible struggle for me.


That was very comforting to read.  Thank you again!


- Matt

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Thanks so much for sharing your blog.  You are wise beyond your years.  So much of what you say makes sense.  One thing you said really jumped off the page for me, "that we don't get over it."  How true that is.  I think we just learn to get on with it.


Thanks again for sharing your journey.

Cindy Jane

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