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Lost my budgie yesterday


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My beautiful little budgie Teddy died yesterday while coming round from anaesthetic at the vets :( we had him for 4 years and he was such a big part of the family and the house and now it's horribly quiet without him.

I feel like I'm never going to get through this and that I'll never stop missing him :(

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Love of Boston Terriers

So sorry for your loss, I lost my beloved Fabio last Thursday June 11, I picked up his ashes yesterday. it brought me some comfort knowing he was home. my home is also very quiet and empty. I lost my darling little Lucky also a Boston terrier in October of 2014. it has been a rough 8months but god brings me another day. My heart is so empty now as I am sure yours is too. We will go on somehow we have to.. and down that long winding road there  maybe be another cute little face to fill our empty hearts. God bless you on your loss I feel your pain.   Love of Boston Terriers

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Thank you for your kind words. It helps to know we're not alone in this. I also am going to have Teddys ashes in the house and that also brings me comfort knowing that he is still safe and home. Time will make this struggle easier but we will never forget our lost little friends and we can take comfort knowing that they had happy lives and were very much loved by us

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