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Missing my GrayKitty

Broken hearted Tom

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Broken hearted Tom


Been two months, still hurts not having her around. My fault for letting her outside 2-3 hours a day. I will now have to live with this added burden. Hoping to be able (someday) to adopt another, will see.

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I'm so sorry for your loss, Broken hearted Tom. It's very heartbreaking to lose a pet that is your friend and part of your family. I know the feeling all too well. I've lost dogs. Take care.

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Broken hearted Tom

Weli today marks 90 days since I lost my Graykitty. Still brings me to tears she was the perfect cat for me. I know people say it will get easier I hope so. I love you Graykitty.....wherever you are.....

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I am so sorry for your pain. People do say it will get better....but that's what will happen in the future. What about right now? What about this seconnd, this minute, this hour, this day, this week, this month? I don't know you but reading what you wrote makes me care for you because you are hurting. You are not alone.

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When my Mona girl was alive, everything was so good in life, I have cried buckets of tears. Am some better, but am in such emptiness. Hurts like crazy.

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When I got my Mona girl, I went to a animal shelter that allowed people to sit in the cat rooms with free roaming cats, and the cats picked out who they liked. That's how Mona picked me out. I wasn't looking for a pet, but after a few days of volunteering there, I fell in love with her. I started to volunteer there because mom was in the hospital. I was lonely. Mona comforted mom as mom lay dying at home.

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Broken hearted Tom

Well Graykitty, in memory of you....a new friend. Meet Skitty-kitty. Although it's been 7 months today it still hurts. I will never forget......


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Tom I was just reading thru this thread.  I am sorry for the loss of your GrayKitty.  I know how hard it can be to lose a loved cat.  We lost our cat Princess who we actually called BlackKitty! to cancer a few years ago.  She was one of 3 cats that we had.  It was heartbreaking to get the cancer diagnosis, it was so sad to watch her go thru treatments, only to have to be let go.  One of the hardest things I have ever had to do was make that call, and watch her die in my arms.  Our other cats missed her just as much as us.   I think of our BlackKitty every day!  The pain is less, but I miss her terribly everday.  


I am glad to see you have a new friend Skitty-kitty!  pets will always have a special place in our heart and soul.  best wishes, make it a great day!

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