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Father passed. Now have chronic anxiety.


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Hey guys. 100% New to the forum but so thankful I found it.

I have always been a 'worrier' and always thought I had some sort of issue before my father ever got sick. When he did, of course I worried, but in a normal amount. One day though, I had a complete mental snap and was having full blown panic attacks that felt like they lasted hours. Maybe they did.

Anyways, I went to the doctor and was prescribed a low dose of Paxil, an antidepressant. And everything became right again. After a year I decided to ditch the meds since I was convinced I as better now. About two weeks free of pills, my dad passes away. I felt normal driving wise, but I suspect that was because the antidepressants were still technically in my system.

Fast forward today and I am now convinced I have chronic anxiety. My chest is tight, my arms feel like hello, stomach in knots, sometimes get a little dizzy. My anxiety isn't drawn from irrational worry of daily things. I am terrified my anxiety symptoms or signs of The same cancer that killed my father. I know this to not be true, but my brain makes my body freak out, which in turn makes me freak out. It's A Continued cycle of worry.

I talked to my sister in law and explained my weird symptoms and as so thankful that she knew exactly what I was talking about and that i was in fact, not dying.

I am debating whether or not I should get back on my medication. It made me feel better, but being tied to chemicals really bothers me. Any advice, shared symptoms, or really anything is greatly appreciated.

thanks everyone.

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