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Why are they so malicious?

Meredith Ann

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Meredith Ann

2 months ago my big twin brother died. Since then everything has changed my parents are now divorcing, my half-sister has gone to live with her dad, my best friend won’t talk to me because the other kids at school are now targeting me. They have spread rumours that my dad is abusive and killed my brother in a 'fit of rage', some went to his funeral and know the only flower was a single rose... now they leave roses where ever I go. Once one kid started laughing and saying it was good he was gone, this happened in front of my best friend who laughed and a teacher who did nothing. I’m alone nearly constantly I cannot talk to anyone and it hurts so much the pain never goes away and only gets worse with every taunt. How can people laugh over someone’s death and will this pain ever go away?  

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I am so sorry you lost your brother and are experiencing such pain over the kids at your school. Kids can be very cruel and they will one day know the pain of loss and the error of their ways.  I wish so much I could help you more but please know that I am here to speak to you. I lost my brother a year ago he was 46. I remember that he had a horrible time in school with cruel kids but he was so kind with a tons of TRUE friends as he became older and got out of school. I am sure if things changed for him they can change for you and they will. Please hold on and know you have support. Please message me whenever you feel you need to speak. I know you can and will make it. You have a friend, me, here on your side!!!!


I know it is hard enough dealing with the pain, I know the pain as well but keep praying and keep fighting there is a much better life after school. How much longer do you have of school?

Sending you much love, light and peace....


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