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Sudden loss of my Mom


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I lost my Mom 4 days ago and I feel so lost. It was sudden and unexpected and the autopsy offered no clue as to the cause of death. She was 66 years old.

Not only am I mourning the death of my Mom, but I am also mourning for my Dad who has lost his lifelong partner since 6th grade (50+years)

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HUGS GCA ... I am so sorry for the loss of your mom.  Not many words bring us comfort with a loss of this magnitude but just know that you are in my prayers and not alone.


You are so right, this is going to be very hard for your dad.  When my mom passed on I knew that I would miss her so very much, but I also knew that my dad would miss her more.  All you can do is be there for your dad.  Cry with him, let him know how much you love him, talk about your mom with him, talk about both of your feelings, etc.  You will both get through this.  


Take care

Cindy Jane

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