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Goodbye Max


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Today I had to make the decision to end my dog Max's suffering. He really was a loving creature, wanting nothing more than to make me and my wife happy. Even as he was drifting off in his final breath he was more concerned about our being upset than what was happening to him.

He was 14 and had health problems the last five years. And this last week was just downhill for him. I have list family and friends,but I can honestly say that losing Max has been more devastating for me than any others. My hurt is tremendous, the emptiness in my house is extreme, and I am literally having chest pains.

I had to break the news to my 6 year old and help him understand what death really is and that he was never going to see Max again. Freaking heartbreaking...

I am a big tough guy, but admittedly I can't stop the tears. I am crushed and feel hollow inside can't believe he is gone.

I miss him so much already...

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   sorry, man. Empty house...crushed and hollow...physical pain...can't believe he's gone. I'm in the same place so I understand your pain; just lost my Lucy. Similar story with health issues over the past few years and a sudden nose dive. I knew I would lose her some day, but nothing prepared me for how bad it hurts. I never cried before over anything, I mean ANYTHING, but now: Waterworks and I don't even care if people see me. It's not getting any easier. Hope you find some peace.

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