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The death of our cat

Susan callinswood

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Susan callinswood

we lost our beautiful cat Alfie just yesterday when he was ran over. I realise it only happened yesterday, but my husband and myself are totally devastated. He had only just gone two years old but we felt like he had been part of our family for years. We both haven't stopped crying since it happened, and we didn't get any sleep last night, especially as he normally slept with us. We are trying to do little things to take our minds off keep thinking about him, but it's not working. We are totally broken. He meant the world to us, and can not imagine our lives without him. We realise that it's early days yet, but we are at a total loss, knee deep in grief and we just don't know which way to turn. My husband has buried him under his favourite climbing tree, in a box with his favourite cushion, along with his favourite toy and a photograph of us. I want to get a plaque to put on his grave because as silly as it sounds I feel like it will help towards bit by bit closure, but my husband thinks we should wait a little while, we both just keep breaking down. Our hearts are broken.

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Susan, you have my condolences: it is very hard to lose a beloved pet, no matter how long you've had him. When I lost my favorite cat, Sir Fopling (the first of my 3 silver Persians) to cancer after 16 1/2 years on the night of December 31, 2007, it was plain devastating. It was probably the worst New Year's Eve of my life and the next few months were horrible: especially the day I returned to work--albeit at home.  How could I get through the day grading essays without him pacing back and forth across my keyboard before nestling into my seat? How could I sleep without him purring right by my head, licking me every now and then? In fact, I'm not sure I've ever been entirely over his death--even though my other silvers are related to him. 


It is not silly at all to want a memorial. Near the center of my town, there's a family that has a large bronze memorial to their dog, right by the sidewalk on the main street. My first thought was not how stupid, but how sweet;s/he must have been a very special pet--and the family a very loving one.  One of my colleagues dedicated her book in the memory of her dearly departed calico: although she was criticized by the department chair for "immaturity," she said she couldn't care less as it was her book and her cat.


We should never have to explain our mourning and loss to others, whether it be a pet or person. We mourn simply because we are human--and we have a capacity for love.

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Dear Susan, I am so sorry for your loss. I came online to look for some grief support as exactly the same thing happened to me and my partner this week when our little 2 year old boy Teddy was hit by a car and killed. We put up a lot of posters and posted flyers and waited anxiously for a week until we received a call that he was seen dead on the road near our house a few days ago. We don't even know what happened to his little body and I have been upset that whomever removed him from the road has not called us. I would like to have held him and given him a proper burial but I can't. I am so upset that someone has probably put him in a bin somewhere. I haven't been able to control my grief today and it's been very bad, I don't know where to turn as I feel that some of my friends and family won't understand. We've been hit by such tremendous grief over it I don't quite know what to do with myself but I'm glad I found this page and your post. I was amazed by the situation you describe as it could have been written for us as well. I wish I could hug you because I know that you have felt what I feel now. I am so sad and miss him so much. His red fur is still in all of his sleeping places. I wish I could have said goodbye and rubbed my face in his belly fur. He was so young it's just not fair. I just need someone to talk to who understands. 

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Broken hearted Tom

I understand your grief and offer to all heartfelt condolences for your pain. I too lost my Graykitty the same way just over two months ago. It was so unexpected and I feel guilty for her passing. I still feel so sad, even went to Doctor for meds to try to get pass the depression I have been struggling with. With her gone I feel a void in my life, we used to hang out together chase each other around the house and she would sleep at my feet. Reading on line I think this will be the "new" norm, sadness whenever I think of her.

Someday would like to adopt another to help fill the void but I know there will never be another Graykitty.

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