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Wife of 15 beautiful yrs died suddenly in car crash.


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The last thing I ever said to her was "I love you baby" as she rushed out the front door on her way to work that Monday morning almost three months ago. Less than five minutes later, and less than a mile from our home, she was suddenly dead from a car crash. She was in a hurry and for some unknown reason ran a red light and got hit by a big truck directly where she sat in the drivers seat. Thankfully no one else was injured. A few hours later a lone young cop came to my front door, came inside, then asked me to sit down. He then told me that my little Mi Mi was at the hospital ER...DEAD. That was the moment that my world ended in this life. I feel totally numb, and I don't know if I even have the will to carry on anymore.

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The last thing I ever said to her was "I love you baby" as she rushed out the front door on her way to work that Monday morning almost three months ago. Less than five minutes later, and less than a mile from our home, she was suddenly dead from a car crash. She was in a hurry and for some unknown reason ran a red light and got hit by a big truck directly where she sat in the drivers seat. Thankfully no one else was injured. A few hours later a lone young cop came to my front door, came inside, then asked me to sit down. He then told me that my little Mi Mi was at the hospital ER...DEAD. That was the moment that my world ended in this life. I feel totally numb, and I don't know if I even have the will to carry on anymore.

I am so very sorry for the tragic loss of your beautiful wife. I read your post and my heart broke.

I lost a dear friend in a tragic car accident 6 years ago, he was 21. I can only try to imagine the pain you would be going through at this time.

The mixed emotions,shock, sadness, anger, denial, these are all normal parts of grieving. I do not know if you are religiously minded or not,but I personally have found great comfort in prayer and God's promises from the very near future.

If you are religiously inclined I encourgae you to pour your heart and mind out to God in prayer, you can tell him everything that's on your mind as he will not judge your grief. I personally, have screamed at him, cried to him and just got everything out, it really helps :)

Agin I am so sorry for your loss, and wish you some comfort.

Kind regards and best wishes,


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