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cat is gone im felling so empty


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My cat went missing on 23rd of march 2015, and yesterday I went to our neighbors place to ask if they had seen her as I was walking down the road I found her at the side of the road in the ditch dead I am so upset I can't stop crying my heart sank as soon as I seen her so I went home to get a box went back picked her up took her home I buried her and put roses on her im so heart broken I only have had her for a year I saved her from being killed by a tom.i don't know if I can handle my loss

I miss you loky my baby love you always ill never forget you

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Oh my word. I am so very sorry about the loss of your precious. I, too, once had this exact same thing happen to one of my furbabies. It was terrible. 


We will be here for you,



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Hi there thank you very much still finding her loss so hard she was a beautiful girl she is dearly missed by all in our house and her mate lilly missing loky she walks around a lost sole I know how she feels its most horrible to find your very much loved cat dead like that well she was more of a family member

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I feel the same I never thought a cat could touch me like my Theo did. We too lost Theo Easter Sunday after being hit by a car its been awful since. I find myself asking why did I let him out that night and why could I not stop it happening. He was only one year old and had his whole life in front of him, I feel so cheated. I find reading about other peoples experience's is helping but I miss him so much. I'm sure things will get easier, just try and remember the good times,take care.

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Broken hearted Tom

I too lost my cat Graykitty two nights ago. I am a total basket-case, can't and don't want to do anything....just sit around and cry. I feel like this is crazy had to call my doctor for meds. Every time I try to talk to people memories rush in and I start to breakdown. There is no way this cat can be replaced, to make it harder I retired a few months ago and me and Graykitty hung around all the time, chase each other and actually wrestle, she would sleep with me. I can't even look at pictures or videos of her. I know with time it will get better but in the meantime I am really hurting and feeling empty too. I am thinking writing this down will help, thanks for listening.

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Hi tom

I am so very sorry for your loss its so horrible I am still very upset about my tabby cat loky she was only two I saved her as a kitten to find her dead was so hard for me my heart is broken she used to follow me around and love to lay on me I know how u feel with the blame thing I wish I never let her out that day I still cry and get very upset over her she was a part of our family our other cat misses her heaps if you need to talk just message me my name is tanz

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Hi all, I am so sorry for your losses. I lost my baby girl on March 20. I still break down and cry, can't seem to stop. I get a feeling of sickness when I think about the day I had to end her pain. I just want to say I'm sorry for the pain you all are feeling. I totally understand, I wish you all the strength to heal.

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Hi there thank you I am also very sorry for your loss to its very hard when u lose a baby they are like family its good to talk to people that are going through the same thing other people don't understand stand I hope you will be okay to

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