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Loss of parents


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My mom died of cancer when I was 14. No one knew she had it. We found out New Years eve and the doctor say she had stage 4 pancreatic cancer and she had a few months. Everything went down hill. Few days later (January 8th, 2013) she passed. I took it hard because I watched her take her last breath. My father on the other hand, was murdered but they're still under investigation. My dad died January 4th, 2015. They say it was a heart attack but they was he was position out of his truck didn't seem like a heart attack... And with a big gash on his head? A guy that didn't like my dad admitted that he punched my dad hard, but not hard enough to hurt him... Apparently he doesn't know there's certain places you can punch someone that can cause the brain to swell and cause bleeding. I'm 16 now and I'll be 17 this year. It's just hard to know that I don't have parents wit my physically and I didn't get to say what I wanted to them before they passed..

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I'm so sorry I know what it's like I'm 15 and I lost my dad last November and it is so hard to get through the day I can't imagine what it's like for you. I'm here if u need to talk.

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I'm so sorry to read about your losses.  How terribly awful for you.  You are so young!  Do you have supportive family around?  How are you living?  I hope you have counseling.  Life can be so unfair.

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Hi wistletone. I've been going to counseling but it seems that it isn't working for me I usually feel worse after I do it

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I don't do counseling. And I somewhat have a supportive family. I love with my older brother and sister. My sister works all the time and my brother is usually drunk after work. So I guess it's half and half

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I don't do counseling. And I somewhat have a supportive family. I live with my older brother and sister. My sister works all the time and my brother is usually drunk after work. So I guess it's half and half

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