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I miss my daddy

Princess Angela Morales

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Princess Angela Morales

I lost my dad when I was 11 on November 23, 2012 the day right after Thanksgiving & I was with my family in the living room & I remember him going pale & when I noticed he stopped breathing I knew That he passed away. My brother went over to my aunts house & sleep over but my sister & I stayed with my mom. I broke down when we buried his ashes. Tomorrow is his birthday 3/14 & I am going to the cemetery.

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Never better

That's so hard Angela. I feel for you. I hope you had a good day with your dad on his birthday. Not the way you wanted it to be, but at least you were there, that's what's important. You're a good daughter :-) I hope you're finding some peace somehow.

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I'm very sorry. I know what your going through I lost my dad last November on the 28 it was the hardest day of my life. It was just so unexpected.

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