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Lost my dog after 10 1/2 years


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I can't cope with the loss of my bestfriend / soulmate after 10 years of being together I just can't live without her it hurts to much. I know she's a dog but I love her more than anyone in the world I just want her back xx my chest feels like it's been ripped open and my heart and soul are ripped in half I wait in the silence hoping to hear a noise or get a feeling that she's near. I'm just numb empty like her cold dead body my shell is nothing at all without her. I always thought she'd live to be old and healthy and id accept that she lives til 17/18 and had a good life but I was and am not ready. I keep waiting to finally snap and feel the full pain but I'm keeping myself calm on sleeping tablets. I don't want to die if knew id outlive her but I don't want to be strong or carry on I'm just numb and alone, even with my friends and family all with me just still so alone. I can't go home I can't go anywhere I know or back to normal life. I wish someone could just tell me what to do and how to carry on, I've never been so weak I've always had fight in me but it's gone and I don't want it back. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up from this nightmare but as the days pass it seems less likely that this is the dream. I don't believe it though there has to be a way please just let me wake up tomo with my girl ready for food and walkies and I will be so happy I'll give everything I own and wake up in a sleeping bag on the street with not £1 to my name just let us be together again xx

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I am so very sorry about the loss of your bestfriend/soulmate. You just go on a little at a time. Cry or do whatever feels best for you. Can you talk about what happened? Was she sick? 


I'm so very sorry. We will be here for you,


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