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All Of The Sudden-My Wife is Gone 2/19/15

The Master68

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The Master68

My world fell apart, almost 2 weeks ago. My wife died of a heart attack. The night before, we were perfectly normal.


She died 2/19/15. 3/1/15 woukld have been our 1st anniversary. She was only 43.

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Hi The Master68

Im so sorry for your loss, i really hope you find some comfort in this forum with so many that are also suffering with losses.

The servers have not been behaving too well so if you try and log in and you see an error message try again.

My heart goes out to you.


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The Master68

Thanks. I sit here and wonder how life can ever be the same. The 1st week, I wanted to die, myself. I still am not crazy about "growing old" now that she is gone. It took me 40+ years to find her. Most of that time, I was alone. I had dated around, but no one connected with me, like she did.

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Sorry to hear your story. I lost my wife back in 2012, she died suddenly of a brain tumor. She was just 33

These horrible things happen, and then we are on our own again, alone. People try to insist they are there for us, but its bullshit as we are alone in our bed as we go to sleep, alone when we awake, and the partner who was sharing our life is gone. Mostly the folks who will assure you that "they are there for us" never help us day to day, many don't even like listening.

Its tough and I understand the feeling of not wanting to go on.

So far I have.

I hope you find a way forwards, but my advice is to just take each day as it is. Don't plan, don't attempt to see the future. For just as surely as you could not have seen the terrible event you can no more see the future now.

Best wishes

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Sorry for your loss. I lost my fiance of a heart attack, he was only 42. Out of nowhere, I still can't believe he's gone.

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How are you doing now? I lost my husband January 2nd 2015 and it's just getting worse for me I don't think this pain could ever go away and I'm to a point that I just don't care about life I just wondered how other people are about the same length and is this normal? I just can't get on with life I am not the me everyone knew and only think of going to be with my husband and end this pain I am 39 and my husband was a month away from being 31

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