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EXTREMELY suicidal!!


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I have been in this VERY dark, mental space for over a month now, and it has become severe. I went to see my Psychologist today... I filled out the "how have you been for the past 2 weeks" form. I was very honest in my answers... my Psychologist thought that it was a good idea to drop/refer me to someone else, in the middle of my crisis. After letting her know that her behavior was unethical, I agreed that I should be dropped, especially since she is willing to drop me at such a vulnerable time in my life. Needless to say, that event has done nothing but exacerbate my depression.

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:huh: :huh: :huh:


I´m sorry that you feel so bad!I also lost my beloved man,the love of my life,my everything suddenly in 18 hours from morning till night and I really understand how unbearable pain it is.I´d love to be your comfort and support if you need to.My heart does feel your pain.I pray for my beloved man every day.It´s day-to-day fight but I believe that you can cope with your pain,too.I´m on here for you whenever you need a help.You´re not alone.


Please,take care!I´ll pray for you,too.


Send you hugs from the heart!



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I am so very sorry your are in such a dark place, and then to have your therapist quit--I can't even imagine what you were thinking. I know this may not help, but there are people who do care. I know this is so very hard, but you can do it. We will help you. 


If you need someone to talk to, here is the national suicide prevention hotline 1 - 800 - 273 - TALK  They will be able to guide you and help you. Please consider contacting them to just talk. 


We will be here for you,



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Personally, I don't like psychologists or counselors...never do. The spiritual beliefs have been helping me to go through my grief and depression. I hope you are okay and wish you the best.

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Please always have hope. Especially for yourself and your lost loved one. I'm so sorry for your loss I will pray that you find strength to continue on in life. If you ever need to talk www.Facebook.com/go.miriam.go feel free to message me anytime of day

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