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Lost my husband, at 31 weeks pregnant


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My husband and I got married 6/14/14. We fortunately conceived right away and were expecting our first child, a son together. We were a blended family and he loved my kids like his own. On 1/31/15 I get a call from his sister that he was taken by ambulance to the hospital after collapsing on the floor. He got so sick so fast,Friday he was fine, by Saturday night he was on a vent, and his liver and kidneys shut down. He passed 2/3/15 right before midnight, the day before I turned 32 weeks. His heart was shutting down and he was failing Neuro checks, we don't know what caused his liver to fail. We were only married 7 months and 20 days. Our 8 month anniversary is tomorrow

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I can't imagine.  I am so sorry for your loss.    I hope you have a good support system and continue to reach out here and maybe to a professional.   I have found that speaking with people who are not part of my daily life has been helpful.  There is some freedom to it and no need to be strong for them.


I will keep you in my thoughts.

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I am so, so sorry for your loss. Everyone here understands.

It has been less than two weeks since your husband's death. It is normal to feel consumed by despair and loss. Let yourself feel the pain. It's agonizing, but you have to do it. I'm only three weeks into my grief, so I am right beside you.


It's going to be baby steps for a while. Don't let anyone tell you or try to push you into a pace that your body isn't ready for. For me, the first significant step was when i  actually laughed at something i saw on tv. It didn't last long but it was something other than crying.


I second the recommendation to see a grief therapist, who can help walk you through the worst of the pain. You can freely vent and wail and rage as much as you need. Friends and loved ones simply cannot give you that outlet for the amount of time you will need it. They can, however, help you with a lot of your day to day needs.


Do you have someone who is staying with you, helping around the house, cooking, etc?

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