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lost my grandma


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I was very close to my grandma. We would play video games, watch scary movies, go shopping, out to lunch, talk for hours on the phone. She knew she was dying but didn't tell anyone. I saw her on Christmas Day and gave her, her presents and she was so excited. I had a baby in Aug., and she was able to hug him and kiss him. She had three great-gransons, and many grandchildren. I'm the oldest by ten years, so we were able to bond more. She was a loving, caring, adoring woman. She was a nurse, and she is my inspiration. It has been really hard for my mom and I. I've been going through anxiety attacks, and I cant stand going anywhere without my fiance, or my kids. Please tell me I'm not alone in this.

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You are not alone in this. Losing a precious grandparent is so very tough. She sounds like a wonderful role model and person. One thing you can do is to keep talking to your mother about how you feel and make sure she is also talking to you. Talking is the best way to begin to heal from a loss. 


I will never forget my grandmother. I loved her dearly. She was kinda crazy in the end, but I loved her anyway. Thinking about her makes me smile. You will be able to remember your grandmother with fondness and even laugh one day. The sharp anguish will fade, but it will take some time. 


We will be here for you,



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You are not alone in this. Losing a precious grandparent is so very tough. She sounds like a wonderful role model and person. One thing you can do is to keep talking to your mother about how you feel and make sure she is also talking to you. Talking is the best way to begin to heal from a loss. 


I will never forget my grandmother. I loved her dearly. She was kinda crazy in the end, but I loved her anyway. Thinking about her makes me smile. You will be able to remember your grandmother with fondness and even laugh one day. The sharp anguish will fade, but it will take some time. 


We will be here for you,



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