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Lost without my mom


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This morning my mother died due to a rare blood clot that caused her to go into cardiac arrest. She was only 39 years old, about to turn 40 in March. I am 17 years old, about to graduate high school, go to college, but now everything has changed. It was so sudden. One minute I'm telling my mother goodnight, and the next my grandmother is yelling at me to wake up because my mom is unconscious. The EMT told me her heart stopped working. And when the doctor told me she was gone, I thought he was joking. I still had hope that she would wake up and this would just be a bad dream or a terrible joke.

I do not know what to do now. I am probably going to move out of the house that I lived in for the past ten years. All of the little things that we would do every week that was a tradition and was carved into my life, are now gone. I had to say goodbye to her body. I told her how much I p

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--love her and I thanked her for working so hard in raising me right, making sacrifices for my wellbeing. I have lost the most beautiful, amazing person I know--my best friend, my mom. At one point, I stopped crying and I just went numb. I'm trying to stay strong, and I'm just thinking ahead on how will I ever get through this moment. I feel like life has stopped, but looking at others around me and everything outside I see it still goes on. I know in time I will heal and everything will be ok as long as my new guardian angel is watching over me. I will be strong and figure everything out. I will continue in school and do everything that will make her proud.

To my mother-- the most amazing person. She did everything in her power to give me the best life she could, and she succeeded. She was the best mother anyone could ask for. I love you more than anything, and I know that you are happy now in heaven, always watching over me.

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My heart goes out to you, what a tragic turn of events, To lose a loved one in death is tragic, and even more so when it is so sudden, and unexpected. No one can understand the pain you are feeling at this moment. I would like to extend my condolences to your family, at this deep time of sorrow. The death of a loved one brings to us the most intense emotions. As we reflect on their lives, and all of their wonderful qualities, we may wonder where are they now ? Are they suffering, or are they in heaven? These are normal questions, and thoughts.

I am participating in a volunteer program, where we reach out to those who have lost loved ones in death, and provide bible based hope for the future. A scripture that helps us thru the grieving process, and contains a promise of hope is John 5:28,29..it reads " Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice. 29 ; ..and come out.

That promise was given to us by Jesus Christ..It means that we have the hope of seeing our dead loved ones again. Many are taught that their dead loved ones go to heaven, and that is a beautiful hope..but would you like to know if that is what the bible teaches? ...Please feel free to ask Jehovah's Witnesses the next time they visit you.

You may also want to visit our website, there you will find bible answers to many questions..Such as why do we grow old and die? Why does God permit suffering?


My Condolences

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