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I hated my life and had no hope for my future before I got kitty. I was 25 years old and had been through very dark times. He was a dirty and hyper 6 month old kitten that nobody wanted. The second I picked him up out of that dirty cage that he was so desperately vocalizing that he wanted out of....I held him in my arms like I would a baby and he just looked up at me with such content as if to say, God sent me from heaven just for you, and you're finally here to get me. I could go on and on about my sweet baby but I don't have the strength to emotionally. Kitty had a soul and it was utterly pure. He always knew when I was sad and would always vocalize to me like he was trying to sing his meows. Even though he was very independent, he would follow me around everywhere! When I went to the bathroom and came out, he would be laying in front of the door waiting for me. When I would fold clothes he would lay on the washing machine watching me until I was done. He loved to watch me iron and he loved to sit on the dining chair under the cover of the table cloth and wait to grab at anybody with his paw who passed. Soon after I got kitty, I got another tiny 6 week old runt kitten. The kitten was mentally disabled, I think because he was so small so he didn't know many things a cat would like, how to clean himself. Kitty would always clean him and would care for and protect him. When I would put their food in a bowl, kitty would ALWAYS sit back and wait for the baby kitten to eat and then he would go eat once the kitten was full and tuckered out. Then kitty would go squeeze into their bed with him and clean him up as the purred themselves to sleep. This continued until kitty died when they were adults. I only had kitty for a year and would gladly cut my arm off to have him back as I've never been as happy as I was with kitty. HE LOVED LIFE. And his love of life rubbed off on me. I feel like I'm in a dream right now and see no hope again for happiness. The only thing that comforts me and keeps me going is the the belief that he will be there to come back and get me when I die and that we'll start again where we left off, TOGETHER.

I don't know how to post pictures with this post and with I could show pictures of my sweet blessing.

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I know how you feel. Losing a beloved pet hurts so much but you gave Kitty your love and care.  You will be reunited again when the time comes. He will always be with you. Please focus on the happy times you had together and know that Kitty loved you. Take care. 

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Oh, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. If I could I would hug you. Your baby sounds like a very sweet, good cat. It rips a heart out to go through this. I think that this is the most agonizing thing to pass through. Pets are the only kind creatures, more so than people. I lost my baby/ cat last December in a very similar way to yours.I wished that the needle the vet put in him went in me, and he came home. I hear him and see him all over. Prayers and hugs to you.

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