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How to deal with the death of your cat that you love so very much

April Donovan

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April Donovan

HI my cat died yesturday morning .i think he died from the medication the vet gave us to give him .he had crystals and he was 

blocked ..so he could not urinate..we got him unblocked and gave him his meds ..he seemed to be very drowsey,loss of appetite,he wasnt himself ,,i kept calling the vet they said give it a week its fine..well he wasnt fine .if only i would have listened to my heart

maybe hed be alive...it was so hard to find him underneath the table/*his favortie spot in the house* dead..his body so stiff :( i couldnt stop crying.i have no idea how to deal with this..i am not sleeping well.i cant eat much.my heart hurts so bad.i feel as if its my fault.i miss him so much..i would do anything to turn back time ..just to cuddle with him..and see him follow my husband around the house..that cat was so obssesed with my husband .it was his cat..they were always together...he was such a big baby :) so cuddly so happy :) we gave him so much love..we do have another cat and she is pregnant .having babies with our bubbas..so i cant wait to see if one of his babies will look like him.or act like him..i wish he coud have been around to see his little kittens :(


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Sorry to hear about the loss of your cat.pets are such a part of our family and leave paw prints on our heart when they go.

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How sad!  To find him like that is heartbreaking.  My little boy is on the way out as well so I know how you feel.  I have a little time left with him and the vet will come to the house when needed.  Your kitty knew he was loved and you were doing your best for him.  You may not believe this but he may come back to you as one of his kittens.  Then again, he may have healing to do on the otherside.


After the kittens,please get momma cat fixed.  I work at a shelter and there are so many that have to die for lack of homes.


Love & prayers to you!

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April Donovan

thank you to everyone who wrote :) for the first person *rizzo* i have thought about maybe him being reborn into one of his little kittens :)

we did love our cat very much and i think about him all the time..i hope one of the babies look just like him :)

again thank you to everyone it really helps to write and to read :)

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April Donovan

How sad!  To find him like that is heartbreaking.  My little boy is on the way out as well so I know how you feel.  I have a little time left with him and the vet will come to the house when needed.  Your kitty knew he was loved and you were doing your best for him.  You may not believe this but he may come back to you as one of his kittens.  Then again, he may have healing to do on the otherside.


After the kittens,please get momma cat fixed.  I work at a shelter and there are so many that have to die for lack of homes.


Love & prayers to you!

thank you very much ..its funny that you said that.i have been thinking about him  being reborn .maybe he will come back im very happy hes going to have babies :) my other cat is due any day now

i find it helps to read what others write.so again i thank you for taking the time to write..:)

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