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Loss of our sweet Whiskers


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Whiskers was born on April 1st 2014. He was a sweet kitty from the start. He was an indoor/outdoor kittty and this afternoon around 4pm I found our sweet Whiskers in the road I sat with him petting and talking to him as he took his last breath. He was so warm but so lifeless. My heart is absolutely broken. I've said this but can't say it enough. He was truly a loving sweet cat. my daughter packed him around like a human baby and he loved it. Just Saturday he was playing with my son's race car track. He would watch the cars then catch them. I have this on video. I don't have the heart to tell my kids

Right now my mind cannot wrap around this. I'm sad I'm sick.

I hope he knew we love him. I will miss him

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Sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet kitty at least you were by his side and he didn't die alone I'm sure he knew you loved him

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