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Had to let my best friend go


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I'm so unbelievably sad. My bottle baby Monkey is gone. I got her at two days old. I can't believe or accept it. Three months ago she was happy and healthy then she started to become incontinent. I could deal with that. I raised her from 2 days old. But her kidneys were failing at 13. For three months I administered IV fluids daily and chased her down with antibiotics. Her back legs were weakening and nothing was working. I took her for acupuncture and tried homeopathic meds and the best food money could buy. She never rebounded. Yesterday she slipped off the sofa and landed in a bony thud. She couldn't get up but laid there and peed. She was my heart. Taking care of her was my mission. I decided to take her in and end her suffering yesterday. I can't believe how quickly she was gone. All 7.5 lbs of her. I hurt so much. My husband cleared everything out go the house last night at my request. I miss her. I feel it deep and I feel guilty. I didn't want her to suffer a stroke and die painfully. It was so peaceful when she slipped away but it was like tearing my heart out to see her go. She loved me and I loved her. We were each others. I am so devastated. I can't bear to be in my house. Please tell me it gets easier?


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Sorry for the loss of your cat it's hard when pets get old and sick at least you tried your best and took care of her as best you could

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My maxwell of 12 years I had to put to sleep 12-27-2014. I am devastated I have 2 other cats but maxwell was my baby my first cat . Couple days before Christmas he seemed like he was having problems breathing I took him to the vet expecting him to have an infection or cold I was blindsided that he would not be back home after that day. The vet checked him and did an X-ray he was breathing with his mouth open sounded terrible . X-ray showed he was only using a third of his lungs and had fluid build up . I made the decision to have them drain the fluid in hope he would get better and better understanding what was going on. After the fluid drain he did not get any better and was worse had to stay on oxygen he was not stable enough to go home and seemed in a lot of pain not moving . I made the decision to have him put to sleep he was worse than before and having a harder time breathing. I petting his head told him I loved him and would forever miss him . He flicked his tail for a second but would not move. After I felt complete like I played God and felt that I would be punished for what I did took a life. I am a wreck I keep thinking he will be sleeping in his spot or I'll see him laying somewhere . My one other cat who would always hid and not what to be around people is now always wanting affection all day and also coming out greeting people . Some people think I am crazy for being so emotion over my cat

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