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Lost my daddy 9 days ago all of a sudden


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I lost my dad 9 days ago. It was out of nowhere. He was not sick. Worst phone call of our lives. I'm so angry and in shock. I feel like I'm gonna snap any minute now. Please help.

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I am so sorry for your loss.  Feeling in shock and numb is what many people feel when we lose a parent, especially so suddenly like the loss of your dad.  All I can offer you is to know that you are not alone with your feelings.  When I lost my mom a year ago and then my dad a few months ago my feelings were all over the map.  I went from shock, to such sadness, to anger, to feelings of regret, and on and on.  As the days, weeks and months go by my heart is not as heavy and I am able to see all of the things to feel grateful for.  The top of the list was in having them both for parents.  Now I put my focus on what I know they wanted for me ... to be the best person I can be.  When I do little acts of kindness for others I know they that is what they would want.  I am also looking after me as they would want that too.  I believe that we will all be reunited again one day so until then I will try to carry on in ways that they would like.  


Like my dad said to me after my mom left us:  "We never get over it, we get on with it."  We can let the tears flow and feel the sadness, loneliness and heartache ... it is all because we miss them so much.  These feelings show the great love we have for them.


Take care of yourself and try to think about the things your dear dad would want for you.  


Cindy Jane

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