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I lost my cat(and best friend) Simba on Thanksgiving


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Hello everyone,


this is my first usage of a support forum. I am 19 and I have DMD and on Thanksgiving my cat Simba died from heavy breathing and neurological problems at Cornell Vet. I am heartbroken and do not know how to move on. He was my best and only friend, and he was always there for me, on my bed, sitting near me, came when he  was called, we loved each other and I am not sure how he is doing on the other side. 


I do  not know what else to say, I feel like I must go be with him on the other side so he isnt lonely.

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Am so sorry I understand ure pain am a 15stone builder an am devasted this evening as my little boy chi chi died today a can't understand it y or how I adored him so much ave been in tears all day an just wanted to tell u ure not alone I my heart is aching for him

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