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a year since


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It's been a year since v left me. It was sudden and seems surreal. Thoughts of guilt , anger alternate. Of late I feel it is really the end of the world. We were married for 12 yrs and he was only 38 . Why is death so final ?

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I'm very sorry for your loss.  I ask why myself all the time.  I don't know why this has happened to any of us.  None of it makes any sense.  I lost Michael 9 months ago.  My mind goes around and around in circles.  Sadness, hopelessness, loneliness, anger, guilt and than around again to start all over again.  It gets to the point where I feel like I am losing my mind.  I try so very hard to think that I will see him again some day.  I have to believe that.   Its all that is left.  I just wanted to let you know that I understand how you feel.  I hope you can find some peace.

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Thanks shattered14 - most of the day I have to put up a regular face at work, with my kids (they are 6) and even friends. I think beyond a point they don't know what to say or do if you are grieving. They try their best when they try to get me out, but sometimes I just want to grieve.

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