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I'm not sure where everyone is but tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the US. My first time making dinner without my mom. A little nervous but glad it's only going to be me, hubby and our son. Just not ready for a houseful, father in law is mad but oh well. Was crying as I was getting the pumpkin pie ready for the oven and I just felt a peace wash over me. I know it was mom telling me everything was going to be OK. Then I had the radio on and this song called Sissy's song by Alan Jackson came on. Here are some of the lyrics. It was like she was telling me not to worry. I just miss her.

She flew up to Heaven on the wings of angels

By the clouds and stars and passed where no one sees

And she walks with Jesus and her loved ones waiting

And I know she's smiling saying

Don't worry 'bout me

Loved ones she left behind

Just trying to survive

And understand the why

Feeling so lost inside

Anger shot straight at God

Then asking for His love

Empty with disbelief

Just hoping that maybe

She flew up to Heaven on the wings of angels

By the clouds and stars and passed where no one sees

And she walks with Jesus and her loved ones waiting

And I know she's smiling saying

Don't worry 'bout me

It's hard to say goodbye

Her picture in my mind

They'll always be of times I'll cherish

And I won't cry 'cause

She flew up to Heaven on the wings of angels

By the clouds and stars and passed where no one sees

And she walks with jesus and her loved ones waiting

And I know she's smiling saying

Don't worry 'bout me

Don't worry 'bout me

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That is beautiful Jean ... thanks for sharing those lyrics.  


I hope your Thanksgiving goes ok.  Those first things that we do without our loved ones are so tough.  Last Christmas was a blur to me as we lost my mom in October.  All I remember is that I did my best to make a turkey dinner without being a total mess.  I did this for my dad who wasn't doing very well emotionally or physically.  This Christmas has been weighing on my already because on Sept. 17th my dad passed on.  My sister invited me over for Christmas but I opted to work over the holidays.  I just know that I won't be in a festive mood this season.  That being said, I will definately acknowledge the reason for the season and give thanks to the Lord for welcoming my mom and dad into Heaven.


I've been reading your posts for awhile now and can see the great love you have for your mom.  How blessed we've been to have such wonderful and loving parents.  


take care

Cindy Jane


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Yes, I love her very much. Guess I didn't realize how much until it was too late. Wish I could go back and spend all that time I was too busy, tired, or whatever with her. Think that is what hurts the most right now.

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