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lost my pets in a house fire :(((anjd everything i owned


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i Had three beautiful babies my whole world....came to a complete stop when i went and got my fience from work. we had just moved into our first little place we were so excited went and got all new furniture and items for our beloved babies...meme, piccalo and hopsin the best pets anyone could ask for. it was a april morning and i was taking my fience to work i left telling my kitties i would be back soon, well my fience had a short shift so instead of wasting the gas i decided i would wait around for him to get off a couple hrs passed and we finally made our way home upon arrival i saw from the cornor that our porch was on fire there was no smoke nothing to where anyone could of seen it we rushed there they pout the fire out on the porch to attempt to get inside to save our babies but the house was completely on fire on the inside we managed to see hopsin in the bed room window broke it with a brick and pulled him out by the way he looked we saved him just in time unfortunatly black smoke poured out of there and it was two late for the others. the house went up in flames and was co,pletely burned to the ground by time the fire dept arrived....we lost everything we owned and our babies accept the one we saved who now has asthma and a few other issues but we love him all the same he crys at night...i had meme for 6 yrs and she was my best friend a personality that cannot be copied she was her own person...and piccalo we had for maybe a couple weeks she was the new addition to our loving family...we only lived in the house for a month in a half...we walked away with just the clothes on our back this was in april and we r in a new place but i cant leave the house without being terrified when i hear fire trucks i panic...i was 20 yrs old im only 21 now a day doesnt go by that i dont think about my babies and break down in tears...how do i cope.....they could only find one of my babies and she couldnt be identified the other one was sadly never found under the debree....help me cope... these r my babies may they rest in peace,

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I am so very sorry you've had to experience such a terrible tragedy. Of course you panic every time you hear fire trucks! I would, too. I know it's not possible to replace those precious fur babies you have lost, but have you considered adopting others that don't have a loving family? It sounds as though you have plenty of love and caring to share with other less fortunate fur kids.


I couldn't see the pictures you attached; I'm not sure they attached correctly. Could you try to add them again? I'd love to see your precious bundles.


We will be here for you,


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