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lost bre 9/28/14


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I'm new here.  Hurting so much it feels like it should kill me.  I've been raising my niece since my sister threw her away when bre came forward because her stepfather was molesting her.  She's always been special to me, I never gave birth myself, was there when she took her first breath.  She was my baby.  She was only 16 when she died.  The house feels so empty.  I feel like I should have know something.  I didn't even know she was hurting like that, thought she was doing better.  I hate that she was hurting like that alone.  Her best friend didn't even know.  The pain is overwhelming and I wish I could have saved her.

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So sorry for the loss of your niece, who felt like your daughter. You are so new to this grief journey. My 16 year old son, Brian died in a car crash on 6-19-2008. That was the day my life, as I knew it, ended.

There are many others here. We post on the Loss of and Adult Child thread. Just click on the link and you will see the posts. All are welcome.

Yes, right now the physical, emotional, and spiritual pain you feel is intense. I used the say to myself "How can I fell this bad for this long and still survive." But, I did. 6 years later, my family is functioning as a 4-some.

Please join us and read or post if you like. We all traveled different roads to get to the same place.

Colleen, Brian's Mom forever

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