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I miss my best friend


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My mother passed away when I was 15. It was late & she had just gotten home from work, she went to the kitchen & I heard somethings fall went to check what had happened & found my mother on the floor unresponsive. I screamed for her & immediately called 911. My father & I tried giving her cpr until the paramedics got there. She had a heart attack & went into cardiac arrest. She was iin the icu for about a week & there was nothing else that could be done to bring her back we took her off life support because my mother always told us if she was ever in that state to just let her go & rest. At first I was just numb & couldn't believe this was happening. I just wanted to wake up from this horrible nightmare. My brothers & I always try to cheer each other up & I always try to be strong & keep the family together but sometimes I just break down. I miss her so much. I just want to hug her again & talk to her. She was so funny & smart. I'm the youngest & I wish I just had more time with her. There's so much we didn't get to talk about. She was truly my best friend even though we argued sometimes. After she passed away I isolated myself from the outside world & just wanted to be there for my family. Its been six years since she passed but I still feel so empty inside. Just need someone to chat with who has been throughthe same. Thank you.

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Contact me whenever you would like to chat,

You're a strong young lady and must remember that your mother wants you to be happy. She wants you to miss her, but to continue to live and love life as hard as it may seem.

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I can completely relate. My mom passed away from cancer over a year ago. I left the town where I was living and my job to move back home and take care of my dad and 17 year old brother. My brother is really the only person I know who understands and we have tried being there for each other but there's an emptiness at home. Like instead of trying to move closer as a family and figuring out how to be one without my mom who was the glue, the rock, we've grown steadily apart. I basically gave up my life to be there for my family and I resent the fact that my family doesn't exist anymore since my mom died. Sometimes it doesn't even feel like she's gone, like I'm just waiting for her to get home from a long vacation....or this whole thing is really happening in a dream or to someone else. I suppose that's not really a healthy way of looking at things. People deal with loss in different ways I guess. My dad has already moved on with someone else....Its really only me who feels stuck.

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