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My beloved Mischief.


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So I moved from England to Switzerland (my husband is Swiss) and I was struggling to adapt.  Then this bundle of joy arrived in my life and told me her name was Mischief.  She was the tiniest furry bundle and followed me everywhere, always wanting cuddles, always smothering me with affection and talking, purring to me.


Unfortunately, at midnight on Saturday 12th of July I heard a massive bang... I thought my neighbours bike had been hit as people were gathered near it... But when I poked my head out they furiously beckoned me down.  When I walked down those stairs and saw my tiny baby in the road I broke.  It's the only way I can put it, I just broke... into pieces.  I threw myself onto the road beside her and cried her name... Just in time for her last breath.


I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything except keep screaming "no no no, not my Chi-Chi, not my Mischief" and crying hysterically. 


Eventually they were able to move me out of the road, and they picked my baby up.  Thankfully my neighbours were home and they immediately ran out to help.  They stayed with me, with her... until my husband came home.  Then we buried her and planted a tree.  We lit a huge fire and talked about how wonderful she was for all of us, how much joy she brought with her.


But she was such a MASSIVE part of my day, my time, my life... She changed everything, saved my marriage.... And now I see her everywhere, and I think I hear her, but I don't... because she is gone.  And I am broken.


I can't eat or sleep, everything is this horrible dark cloud of pain.  All I can cling to is that we are all energy, we are all part of each other.. and when that energy resonates it will come back, is never truly gone. 

But I miss her so much and I don't know how I will get through this.  I hate my house now... I want to run away.  I love her so much.


This came to me last night, exactly a day since she died:


I will be the sunlight dancing on water,

I will be silver-white clouds tinged with gold,

I will be a dancing leaf, travelling far and wide,

I'll be the light within your soul.


I will be the foaming surf, gleeful on the shore,

I will be the last light glowing through the hilltop trees.

I will be flamesparks flying up into the night,

I'll be the earth beneath your feet.


I will be the air around you,

The love within you,

I'll be the warmth that bathes and the water that cools,

I will be everywhere and everything,

Until I am beside you once more.


So miss me, my dearest friend, for my time of change...

But mourn me not, my love, for I would not cause you pain.

You will know me in the wind,

The sun and the rain,

Until I am with you,





My beloved Mischief

Midnight, Saturday the 12th of July, 2014


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I am so very sorry about the loss of your beloved Mischief. She looks like an absolute doll. When my first cat, Emmy, died, I was completely devastated. I had her for 15 years, and she died of cancer. It was so horrible, I just felt like a part of me was ripped away. However, in time that heartbreak faded into a dull ache. I will always remember her and her crazy ways. She wasn't a friendly cat; she was only friendly to me.

I am glad you had neighbors that helped you through this.

We will be here for you,


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