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Healing from a loss


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It's been 9 months since my mom passed away and I thought I would come here and share what's been happening in my life since she left us.  The day she passed on, my dad was in the same hospital having a heart surgery.  A few weeks later he came home (my parents have been living in the other half of my duplex) and I have been helping him out ever since then.  For 85 years old he is still pretty independent but does need help with some things.  I am blessed to have him here so close as the care he needs is so easy.  The biggest blessing for me is what he has taught me in these past 9 months.  He loved my mom so much and although I miss her terribly, I know that he misses her more.  We've shared many tears together over these months but we've also had a few good laughs.  Back to what he has taught me....to get on with life.  He is not enjoying his life without my mom but he is adapting.  He prepares most of his meals, does light housecleaning, goes out for coffee with his friends, putters in the yard and garage, and just goes about daily things. 


If I hadn't watched his example, I believe that I would be in a very depressed state unable to do much of anything but he has shown me that life goes on.  It has to go on as long as I am here on this planet. 


The reason I am sharing all of this is because if you don't have another parent who needs your help, I would suggest to find another person that you can do things for.  In helping others, it takes our minds off of the pain of a loss.  When we help others we get a good feeling inside (which helps to lift the sadness).  I guess you'd say that helping others, helps us. 


Take care




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