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Unbearable pain!


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I lost my brother on Sunday to a motorbike accident. It wasn't his fault. Me and my mum are in the most horrific pain. I feel like I'm living in a nightmare and won't be able to wake up. I just don't know how I will move on. I wish I had gone with him. :-( why why why!

There is ust nowhere to escape this pain.

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I am so very sorry about the loss of your brother. You move forward by just trying to breath at first, then taking it little by little, hour by hour until you can get your feet back under yourself. A good way to deal with the pain is to just allow yourself to cry or whatever feels right. Also, talking is the very best thing you can do.

I hope you remember to try to take care of yourself--drink plenty of water and try to eat if you can; if not, there are nutritional supplement drinks that can help you get through.

We will be here for you,


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I am so so sorry for your devestating loss. Your loss is still so new and raw. My brother died four months ago today and while I know in my head that he is gone, my heart is still waiting for him to come home . You have lost someone so dear to you, you cannot possibly fathom that loss right now. I felt numb the first few weeks, like you said, living in a nightmare. I understand your pain and I wish there was something I could do to make it better.

Like ModKonnie said, you need to remember to take care of yourself. I know it's hard but try to eat regularly and drink lots of water and get enough sleep. It may be tempting but try not to numb your pain with alcohol - believe me, it will make things worse later.

I'm thinking about you and your family in this devestating time. Keep your brother alive by talking about him often. I have pictures of my brother everywhere so I can see his handsome, smiling face and I know that he is at peace. Your brother will always be with you, he is your personal guardian angel now. I know that doesn't help when all you want to do is hug him and tell him that you love him one more time. No matter if you were fighting at the time or whatever, your brother knows how much he is loved and how much he is missed and he will never be forgotten.

Take care of yourself. If you have a pet, cuddle them lots! Cry as much as you need and scream at the top of your lungs if you feel like it. Write your brother a letter if it would help, or keep a journal of how you're feeling. Watch a funny movie or go for a walk or call a friend. If you want to talk or vent, feel free to message me. I may not have the answers for you but I do understand how you're feeling. Take care xoxo

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