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I miss you, papa...


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My father was diagnosed with stage 1 brain cancer in 2004. It was removed, thankfully, and I got to have 9 more years with him.

In 2012, he was again diagnosed with cancer, this time at a stage 4 glioblastoma multiforme, the most aggressive form of brain tumor. He was in the hospital on and off for surgery, chemo, and radiation. It got to the point where he nearly lived in one doctor's office or another. One of the medications he was put on was a corticosteroid; this helped to some extent, but allowed him to gain a significant amount of weight. Because of the weight gain, he eventually was unable to stand up for himself, and was reduced to walking with a rollator - a walker specifically designed for those too overweight to maintain stability when walking. He soon couldn't walk at all, and spent the last months of his life in a hospital bed at home, with me as his (nearly) sole caregiver. This wouldn't have been so difficult, were it not for the fact that, due to a combination of his medications and treatments, my father gradually lost his cognitive functions. He had moments of clarity, off and on, in between bouts of delusions and child-like lunacy. I was constantly keeping him from doing things such as stuffing coat hangers into electrical outlets. Eventually, he went in to the hospital one last time, for a UTI, and died on March 12, 2013.


I miss you, papa, more than you could possibly know. You were the best man I've ever known; you shouldn't have had to leave.

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I am sorry for your loss. I lost my Dad 2/14/14. I know how important our Dads are. I helped care for my Dad like you did your Dad. Just wanted to say that. I am reaching out to folks here... Going through this awful thing together.

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I am sorry for your loss. I lost my Dad 2/14/14. I know how important our Dads are. I helped care for my Dad like you did your Dad. Just wanted to say that. I am reaching out to folks here... Going through this awful thing together.

Thanks. We caregivers have to stick together...

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