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Dad passed away 5 years ago


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The people I see everyday don't even realize how sad I still get and that includes family. While my dads death was caused by negligence (gunshot wound to the head), it was still an accident. I think about him everyday and would give anything to talk with him for just 5 minutes. He passed when I was 20 and there is just so much I would like to say to him. I had even planned to work along side him after finishing college. Well, since he passed, I had to jump into the workforce early (finally actually made it to making some decent money) and have accepted that I probably won't finish my degree (Currently a Junior at a Uni studying Computer Science). He was an awesome dad and it was all unexpected. The last thing I said to him was "See ya later, I get off at 8 tonight"... So much for "see ya later" huh? That was around 2PM one day in August of 2009. It seemed like a normal day until the horror unfolded on that night. I feel alone some days and would rather not bug people around me with my mellows or make family sad by talking about it. :(

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Guest Kirbibizzle



Feel free to bug people here and be as mellow as you want. Everyone here can relate to your story. We've all lost someone extremely close to us and we're all sad so we know what you are going through.


Even though you lost your dad 5 years ago, the pain never really does go away, does it? I lost mine 3 weeks ago and the pain is killing me inside. There were many circumstances beyond my control surrounding his death, but I still feel I am partially to blame for it too. It was all an accident, and yet I still feel like it could have been prevented had I just done more. Everyone else in the world can tell me it's not my fault, but the thought still lingers that it is.


It is good that you have at least attempted to get back out there and make something of yourself. I'm sure your dad would be proud of all you've accomplished, even if you do not complete all of your goals. I myself do not really have any motivation to keep me going as of yet, but I am trying.


Dads are the one thing in this life that can never be replaced, and yet we sometimes take them for granted. We never really realize how much we have until it's gone. I've learned that the hard way.

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