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Just lost my mother


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Hello, I lost my mom a week ago, and it feels like yesterday. my mom was always good at taking care of herself, she had diabetes, and whenever she felt ill, she'd see her doctor, but for reasons I don't know, this last time she got sick, she didn't want to go, she kept saying she was fine, and needed some sleep. she was having a hard time sleeping, and this was in a span of maybe 2 weeks. my father and I begged her to go to the ER, but she didn't want to. so on a saturday, I made her some lunch, and she said she wanted to sit back on her recliner in her room to try and take a nap, so I let her, and a few hours later, she passed away. all I keep telling my self is that she's not suffering anymore, but I'll always have that question, why didn't she want to go to the ER. I live here at home with my father, and he broken up about it, I thank God for our little yorkie, he loves our dog so much, If it weren't for her I don't know how bad he'd be taking it. I am going to miss my mother so much. well, I just wanted to let all this out. thanks for reading:)

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I am so sorry for your loss. I know nothing anyone can say can diminish that hurt you're feeling and I certainly don't intend to dismiss your grief by saying this, but I personally imagine the comfort of being in  your own home after a nice lunch with family by your side is a much more prferable way to pass on versus in a hospital . I know it might not bring you much comfort (and it certainly doesn't make it any easier or less painful), but I think passing away peacefully at home in your sleep is as much as I could hope for for myself. I know there is always questions about what if we did this or that, but you and your dad can't do that to yourself. You did the best you could do to comfort and take care of her. I know it is never easy and it is always too soon, and I am so sorry you are without your loved one.



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Hi Tony,


First off I'm so very sorry for your loss. I can empathize with your pain from the lost of your mother. I lost my mother as well. She passed away Dec. 5th, 2013. I miss her so very much. She had diabetes as well. She was on dialysis for about 10 years. She came down with a terminal illness related to complications with the diabetes. I miss her so much, and I feel so close to the entire situation since I helped take care of her for so many years. I would like to know some of the coping mechanisms you have found to be helpful if you care to share. If not, I completely understand. I hope you are having a nice Wednesday.

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thank you both for the kind words. it still doesn't feel real, but I stay strong for my father.

AuntB27, I don't really have a coping mechanism I just take it day by day. and I tend to think of the fun times. I guess that would be my coping mechanism:)
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