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Program on CNN tonight, Dec. 1


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There is a program, on CNN tonight if some of you are interested, about people who have had near death experiences."Anderson Cooper Special Report: To Heaven and Back" airs Sunday, December 1st at 7 pm and 10 pm E.T.

I won't be able to see it, having prior commitments, but I probably will catch it later.

It's odd that this was the first e-mail I saw today. Today marks 36 years since the day I lost my dad, and i can still remember that day, as though it had just passed.

Time has not completely taken away all of the pain of that loss. There are still tears sometimes when i long to see or speak with him, and realize, it can never be. Sometimes there are tears at a happy family gathering, when i wish he could be there to enjoy the moment with the rest of us. However, usually thoughts of him will bring a smile, and a warmth to my heart. The sudden flash of recognition that sometimes comes, when i see a similarity to him and his thoughts in another time or place. A feeling of continuance, when i visit a place where I have never been, but he has already seen. I can look back on how dark, cold and lonely the days were, when he first was gone, and how a young daughter thought that she would never be happy again, and how hard it was going to be, without the most important friend she had ever known. How that touch of sadness hit all the bright moments- that hint of sorrow, that Dad wasn't part of it. But i know now.. that he was. He was always a part of all of those things, because he was there through us, and through the love that was between us. He is remembered and loved, by so many people..who all have stories, and memories, and who sometimes share them with us..and in that instant- he is right there.

The first day of December is always a day..when one or another, lights a candle, shares a photo, or tells a story..and marks once again the passing of time, and another year. After all the marks that have passed, i realize this- yes there is pain still , but it has eased from the first wound. There has , over time been more warmth and depth added to the memories, and most come now , with joy and warm love.

Until August of 2012..I would have pointed to this day, as the darkest of the year. Losing my Dad, was for me the hardest thing i had ever had to face, and I never thought too much about having anything harder to bear. Now I have a new dark day, and what seems now, as an even heavier grief...but -

Time will continue on, and as long as life stays with me..there will be the passing of days, and the pain will lessen. I hope there will be no event darker , than losing my Dennis ahead, but I cannot be certain there won't come a day, like the one where i realized..this day was not the darkest any longer. There may even come a day, when I can think of Dennis, with little to no pain..only love and warmth, if i can only keep going long enough.

There is hope, there is love, and there may be tomorrow. It's all up to Life. Peace and healing to all who read this. ....


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Silvergirl .. there is a documentary on netflix (I am sure it is available elsewhere) called "Afterlife". Same subject matter .. very interesting and in some ways comforting. You should see if you can access it some way.

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Haven't caught it yet, but some of my family members did,and they said it was good. i have to wait till the next showing..if i am off when it plays or catch the replay at their house..

Thanks Tnwulf! I do have netflix, and I'll look for it.

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Awesome!! Thanks Backyarder!! I will watch it on my lunch break. I love stuff like that!!

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