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Dad's 1 year coming up


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I can't believe it's been a year. I heard and read that the one year mark is really hard for some people and it certainly has been the case for me. I read on another post that sometimes the year mark is actually harder than the time of death as it's finally sinking in - that they're gone - and I think that's the case for me. It feels like soooo much time has passed since I've heard my dad's voice and yet it's only been a year. I don't know it's like time passed, but my world has stood still for the last year. Yes, I've gone on with my life as best I could, but it hasn't felt quite the same since my dad died - it just seems to have lost some of it's meaning or something. I can't even put my finger on it or find the words describe what I'm feeling, but I get the feeling that here on this forum, some of you can understand what I am feeling without necessarily putting words to i t. I think what I'm also having a hard time with is that we finally decided to put our family home on the market for sale. We've analyzed this decision for the last year, and every time it's the most logical one to make for our family. But I guess it's also a mourning process...it's like my "home" is going to be gone forever too now. It just sucks really. I have a friend in town visiting and normally I'm so excited for her to visit, but this time I don't even feel like doing anything. I feel so alone and depressed.

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