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It's my birthday...


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Today is my birthday. I've already been to the mechanic for an estimate on my car.

I have a doctor's appointment coming up in a couple hours.

And I'm sitting here lonely and missing Andy. He would have been fixing a special brunch for me. He wouldn't have shaved but he knows I think his beard is sexy. After brunch we'd run errands together and later just curl up on the couch together and watch tv. We'll never do these things again. I'm lonely and I'm in pain and I don't want to go on. We were supposed to go together. He is and will always be a part of me. And I can only hope the rest of my life is very very short.

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Even though it doesn't sound like you are enjoying the day so far- I hope something good happens to brighten your day. Special days can be kinda tricky. I'm sorry to hear you're in pain. Hopefully the doctor's visit will help that.

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Sorry KL - "special" days like this often are hardest. And I know it doesn't feel like it now, but life can be worth living again. It's a gradual and long process, but it's a light worth aiming for. I hope the rest of the day goes better (party tonight right? I hope that helps!).

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Happy Birthday KL .. I have been going through the same feelings the last few days.. extremely depressed and lonely ... there are no "special" days in the near future which is probably a good thing for me. Hang in there. :)

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I had my first birthday alone a week and a half ago, so I completely get where you're coming from. Mike would have forgotten, then I would have reminded him, and then we would have gone out to dinner. It's kind of surreal that all that is over now.

I won't say Happy Birthday - it seems off somehow - but I do wish you all the best (and hope you didn't have too much damage from that awful windstorm we had today).

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I struggled with these same feelings and wishes. I still don't wish for a long life, but I go on planning as if it will be because I have felt what its like to feel worse than this.

I go on because I believe that my love for her ties us together somehow. In some ways her love of me exists now because I remember her.

Best wishes


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