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I am not sure what I am doing. I just know I woke up at 3 am again, and I just don't want to be here anymore. My friends and family are apalled to see me like this. It has been 13 years since my son died. I was a single mom with two younger children to take care of. I have had fibromyalgia since 1994, but managed to deal with it, and then after losing my son, I kept working, but it put an extreme stress on my body. I am an RN and as of last year finally faced the fact I could no longer work. So now I am disabled and I feel like everything has just snowballed. I have given up on life. I barely leave the house, I have isolated myself from my friends and family and I just want it to be over. I am too much of a chicken to commit suicide, plus I would never do that to my family. Ok well that is me and this is the first time I have tried this, so hope I didn't exceed any word limit.

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Dear carolgee, i am new to this site also, except for 1 post that i posted to another writer. I myself havent lost a child but just 1 week ago i did lose my heart in losing my mother. I dont know if you have a specific faith or not but i am a christian, and i too am disabled, so i just wanted to give you some encouragement and let you know there is a better day coming if you just trust in the lord Jesus and ask him to forgive you of your sins. Like i told the other person it is not going to be easy but a better day will come if you just put your trust in Jesus. I too know the sting that losing the one you love most brings, because like i said i just lost my mom 1 week ago, and sometimes like all humans, i get weak and dont want to go on without my mom, but i know from losing my dad and my grandparents also, that like the lord says, this too shall pass. I encourage you to go and find a good church and also reach out to others in need of help, because i know personally that this does help. I pray that God will give you a peaceful heart and i pray that he will bring comfort to your mind in Jesus name, amen.

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Carolgee, I am very sorry about your losses and your disability. I am going to move this post to the "Loss of a Child" forum so others who have experienced similar struggles can perhaps offer you some solid encouragement and support. We will be here, and we are glad you came to this community--ModKonnie

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I am not sure what I am doing. I just know I woke up at 3 am again, and I just don't want to be here anymore. My friends and family are apalled to see me like this. It has been 13 years since my son died. I was a single mom with two younger children to take care of. I have had fibromyalgia since 1994, but managed to deal with it, and then after losing my son, I kept working, but it put an extreme stress on my body. I am an RN and as of last year finally faced the fact I could no longer work. So now I am disabled and I feel like everything has just snowballed. I have given up on life. I barely leave the house, I have isolated myself from my friends and family and I just want it to be over. I am too much of a chicken to commit suicide, plus I would never do that to my family. Ok well that is me and this is the first time I have tried this, so hope I didn't exceed any word limit.

Carolgee, I am glad that Konnie asked you to come to our site. Please do. You are most welcome. Please do not think that you are alone in this. Join our site and please do talk to us about your situation. We all are going through this. You are not alone. Please share with us when you feel able.
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Jesse David & Taylor Mom

I am not sure what I am doing. I just know I woke up at 3 am again, and I just don't want to be here anymore. My friends and family are apalled to see me like this. It has been 13 years since my son died. I was a single mom with two younger children to take care of. I have had fibromyalgia since 1994, but managed to deal with it, and then after losing my son, I kept working, but it put an extreme stress on my body. I am an RN and as of last year finally faced the fact I could no longer work. So now I am disabled and I feel like everything has just snowballed. I have given up on life. I barely leave the house, I have isolated myself from my friends and family and I just want it to be over. I am too much of a chicken to commit suicide, plus I would never do that to my family. Ok well that is me and this is the first time I have tried this, so hope I didn't exceed any word limit.

I am sorry for the loss of your son along with your health struggles...here is a direct link to our thread in Loss of an Adult Child


We are a small group of parents who try to give each other encouragement and as well as share those days when one is just feeling low...

Sending you prayers...

Jesse David's Mom

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Dear CArolgee,

I lost my son to a horrible lung disease earlier this year. I am also a single mom with three younger children and family 1700 miles away. I know what it is like to feel very alone in this pain and the thoughts I can not bear to go on with this pain in my heart. I know what it is like to just want to shut the world out. It is without a doubt one of the more horrible things to go through losing your child. I hardly get a chance to post but I am always encouraged by this site. Despite what we may think at times we are not alone, there are people that do care, and I have to believe HE will carry us through this. I will be praying for you...


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