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Good news triggers anger


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Got some great news today my breast biopsy was negative. My doctor told me he wanted the biopsy done because my mother had cancer. I was happy for about 5 minutes, then it hit me. He ordered the biopsy because my mom had breast cancer then why oh why did he not do further cardiac studies on my husband since his father died of a heart attack. I am really getting sick of tired of being angry. Went to therapy had a pretty good session at the end the therapist told me that today was her last day. Seriously?!?

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Good question on your husband (I'd love to see his face if you asked that) and sorry about the therapist, but VERY glad to hear about the biopsy! I know it's easier said than done but I'd try to focus on that.....

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Needy, so glad to hear the news about the biopsy. You have been in my thoughts as you were waiting. Hate to hear about the therapist, though. You have had the hardest time with that! I hope you are able to find another one that you click with. I understand your thoughts about your husband and his medical care. It's a good question.

Anyway, I'm glad you have at least one worry off your plate. Hang in there!

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Oh shoot! I read this yesterday needy, and was so relieved that your biopsy was clear, that i forgot to say anything! Lol sorry, small attack of goldfish brain there. Anyway, im so glad you have that worry over with at least. I know you still have lots more on your plate, but one thing at a time, yeah? Hopefully the therapist situation will be the next to be resolved.Thinking of you....even when i forget to say so ;)

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I am really glad to hear of your biopsy results too. My mother-in-law died from advanced breast cancer. She had both breasts removed and it spread to her bones and her brain. She had several strokes before we got out here. By the time we moved in with her to help her she couldn't talk anymore. It was horrible. I am so glad you don't have to worry about that!!

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happy to hear you've been given a clean bill of health, hope you are finding some comfort in that. I can relate about the doctor and why didn't he do further tests for your hubby. My guy had gone to his family doctor a week before he died for a note for missing work from the flu - after not being there in years. you'd think that the doctor could have said hey while you're here let's do a check up or take your blood pressure (his mother used to work for the guy even!) but nothing. I keep thinking had they just checked his blood pressure or something we would have had a different outcome.

Also, strange that your therapist didn't think to tell you before that it was her last day. That's upsetting, not to mention annoying. Have you had any luck finding a new one? I think OHIP can help you find one, if you have a family doctor that can refer you?

Hugs to you.

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Thanks everyone. I heard the news from my family doctor. I was going to cancel the appointment with the surgeon but I went in on Wednesday, just to make sure. Apparently I have a cyst in my other breast that has been there for 8 years. My family doctor neglected to tell me that. The surgeon did another biopsy, she was pretty certain it is fine. I go back for another ultrasound in 6 months. Not sure why the family doctor didn't mention it. I know exactly what you mean, thisishard and I hate to pick on Ontario's doctors but this isn't good. And the worse part is you know you will never find another family doctor so you are stuck. As far as therapy, she is going to find me someone else. I just don't know if I want to continue with it. The local bereavement place is finally having a meeting early in October regarding anger. I am definitely going to that.

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Needy, not sure if this would be of any help but have you ever considered taking yoga? A gentle more restorative yoga for people that can't twist like a pretzel? I have been going for some time off and on for several years. I have found it an excellent way to relax and help to find a bit of calm in the midst of a storm. Good luck with the new therapist! And most of all good luck on the health issue. I too am a Canadian. I will say though that we have been very fortunate to have had excellent docs on my husbands team. Thinking of you today. Hope they can help to give you some peace. Hang in there.

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I have had a few people telling to me to try it out. We have a family membership at the YMCA and in the summer I was going regularly. My plan was to get a little more in shape before trying the exercising classes. Not a fan of exercise but I will admit it does help with the stress. Since the start of September I took on three different jobs at my work, since I am only on contract and have a new boss I felt I couldn't say no. With everything going on in my life I will admit my stress level was huge. The last two weekend I have taken some more me time and I am feeling mentally better. Goal this week is to get to the gym at least twice.

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