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Meet and Losing Biological Parent


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I met my Biological Father on July 1st of this year after searching for him for 40+ years. It was the happiest moment of both of our lives, we cried, we smiled, we hugged, we talked. I had asked him, why he never came looking for me, and he said "I knew your mom married and he didn't want to cause any conflicts in our lives". And he told me he spoke to my grandmother, and that she was the sweetest lady and that, she was, and she gave my dad a picture of me when I was a young girl and that he carried with him that photo of me until his wallet was destroyed. He often thought about me and hoped that the day would come when we would find each other, and I Thank God that it did. For many years I wondered why didn't he love me, why didn't he look for me. What did he look like, did I look like him, if I ever met him how would we react, would it be a happy reunion? It, was and I do not regret ever stopping to search for him. And, I believe it was by God's will that we received this gift when we did. My father married a wonderful lady and in this union they had two wonderful sons and I feel so lucky to have been blessed with Two Fathers, Two Mothers, Three Brothers and a Sister and many nieces and nephews.

My Dad went home on August 15, 2013. We shared a few moments together as well as phone calls. And, I wouldn't trade any of those moments for anything in the world. I feel lucky and lost at the same time, I am struggling with so many emotions and I am asking for support from anyone willing to give it.

I also want to tell anyone who is searching for a parent NEVER!!! give up whether you are scared of how that reunion might be, you never know unless you give it a chance and you don't know what or why the circumstances where that they weren't in your lives growing up. It could be the best thing to happen for the both of you.

This, is just part of the story, more to share with who ever is willing to read my .

Thank You

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