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The year mark


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Well August the 7th marked a year, since I lost my soulmate. I miss him so much, every thought I have Kenny is in it. I remember every minute of our life together. It was hard, but his sister and her family came to stay this week with us so it eased a little. We chose to celebrate our twins birthday that way we could celebrate the life we had with Kenny to. Last year Kenny had his heart attack on their birthday so it was not a happy day for them. His sister and I ran around trying to gather stuff up so we could keep our minds busy as well as keep him in our thoughts as well. Just not sure anymore how I keep going on but I do. A big art of my heart is missing. Without him. My kids helpe so much and I know Kenny isqarching over us, because things just happen to fall in place like they did when he was here. When things would go wrong, hebwould say don't worry it will work out and it always did. Now when it goes wrong it worksnout and I know he has something to do with it. Kenny spoiled me so much even if he just touched me it was like he gave me the world on a silve platter his touch just meant that much to me. God I miss him and would give the world to have him back. Loving my husband and missing him so much.

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I'm so sorry for your loss kendi, and for that difficult day. Those "firsts" are hard for sure. Hold on, day at a time and all......cliched but true.....

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I am so sorry Kendi, August 8th marked 6 months since my husband passed, it was a horrible day, but must say the weeks leading up to it were worse, felt like I was back to the first weeks after he died. Unfortunately life does go forward no matter that we think...how can this world keep going and going without my love. Try to find some happiness wherever you can, no matter how small. God be with you, praying God will give you peace, that is all I ever ask for, for God to take away the constant images of that 12 hr period between when I took him to ER to the moment he died as I held him. I want to remember the good, wonderful times we had together and carry those memories with me always.my husband loved life, he would never even take a nap because he did not want to miss anything, he really did live life like it was his last, to honor him I try really hard to live the same

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