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Mind racing


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Hi. Today was the third week since my father passed away and unfortunely had some other problems during the day. It all started quite calm, but first, at work, my boss gets a bit pissed of at me, because of na e-mail I sent (no big problema, but I felt really bad afterwards). Then a friend of mine tells me he might not be able to spend as much time with me as has, because he´s having major problems (this I undestand, but the conversation felt like he was about to abandon me), and after that, he also tells me, that another friend said I needed to get a grip. During dinner, a friend of mine who lives in Dubai and invites me over for dinner and even though he has the best of intentions, he keeps saying I can´t be feeling this bad and have to move on with my life, even suffering while I´m doing it... During all that period and even though I replied. on my way home I started to feel as someone was chocking me and started to cry and cried a bit more when I got home. As I was feeling super tense, I took my sos pill and can´t seem to fall asleep and have to go to wok in the morning. Lying in bed, I keep having several thoughts, some without any sense and stress about them, keeping me from falling asleep even though my body is tired. Has anyone here experiencing the same? I always suffered from anxiety and panic attacks, but during grief is very hard to cope with :(

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It is hard to deal with a loss of anyone. The process of grieving helps, but some people just dont get that each of us is different in how we deal with it. The person who said you need to get a grip just has no clue. When the emotions start to take over, maybe get up and talk a short walk, say a prayer, go to the mens room for a few minutes. Grief is individual and individually dealt with. There is no time frame, but your are going to feel it. I can't say it gets any easier, as each person is different. Sometimes the loss of a parent leaves us feeling alone and abandon. We aren't. They are always with us. They are a part of us, and we are a part of them. They have gone to prepare a place for us that we will go to also someday. The feeling of loss sometimes is overwhelming, but maybe go to a good memory, and smile through the tears.

Your dad is always with you. Your are walking in his footsteps, and if you foloow them you will someday find him.

God Bless you,


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Some people are insensitive, well meaning but incapable of imagining the depth and scale of loss, maybe because they have not experienced a similar life-changing event themselves.

It's really hard when other pressures build up - work stress, clueless colleagues/friends etc...It's probably not an incident or a comment per se but the slightest issue seems to trigger the pain all over again...

Of course your mind is all over the place, I just hope get through these hard times.

You are not alone

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