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Loss of an Adult Child


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Hope everyone is safe from the storms that were predicted to do so much damage. Kim texted me a bit ago and they are hunkering down now (in Norfolk, VA) as they are forecasting 80 mph winds coming in right about now. They are not too close to the coast, though, and that helps some. I haven't watched the news today but will catch up with it later. Love to all. Stay safe everyone.

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I am sorry that your son died, my heart aches for your loss. You have found a very compassionate circle of people here in this forum. I have found that I have been able to share my deepest wound with others who are willing to hold my hand, listen, and walk with me.

As far as being the person you were before... you have now changed paths in life. For me and my husband, we don't even know who we are any more. Perhaps this will come in time, I don't know....but for right now, you just have to grieve and mourn.

Since this is my second child loss, I can say the first time I was "pushed" through way too fast with way too many expectations. (I loss an infant to SIDS some years ago) I said this time, NO WAY is anyone going to rush me with anything or tell me how to grieve this loss.

So, I believe that telling your story is part of this process. Even if you tell your story multiple times, it is important. I think we come to learn new truths in the telling and the retelling. Truths that are revealed when we are ready.

For me, Jesse was more than my son, he had become my best friend. We were bonded in the soul. And I cry (and wail) multiple times a day...

thanks i still cry all the ti me and his brother is 2 years younger and not doing well. he sleeps n his brothers bed and wears his clothing.
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saturday went to the cookout and gender announcement of a baby of one of the boys my kids were raised with. we even lived with them when i got divorced. they were 4 boys, we were 3 boys, one girl. madelyn has a lot of uncles. forest was oldest. they stair stepped all the way down. zac next to oldest whose house we were at. i tried not to think in that way. we are coming up to the angelversary so i've been trying to focus on the celebration of forest's life. we will be with this family on the 3rd for their annual 4th party which forest was not able to attend two years ago because he and ashlie were preparing to leave in the night. he was 'spose to be there but changed his mind to get the car ready. last i talked to him was like ok see you there. instead they didn't come and died. i really hate this. i realize when i read your words colleen how absolutely numb i am most of the time. i spend lots of time decorating and planning the two annual forest events and not thinking about my feelings. when i realize i may have to go through the grief process all over again with marshall when he finally decides to face it i just don't feel like i can stand to go through that pain again. i keep all that deep terrible grief of those early days at bay almost all the time.

pics from cookout

how do u keep your grief at bay? i cry all the time and before my sons death i was vvery unemotional
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Newbie----I'm so sorry for your loss of your dear son. This site has been a

lifeline for me and many others. I've been here 10 yrs., and have found

that it's a good place to just read/post about the roller coaster ride of

losing a beloved child or anything else. I hope that you can come back to BI.

Peace to you.

Hope everyone that was in the storm's path has come out of it ok. We did

not get anything too bad here in our area. Sending prayers to all.


Davey&Lisasmom, Sherry

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Lora, I know how difficult today was for you. Sending warm and loving thoughts your way. Sherry, Dee, and everyone that have been so supportive...a HUGE thank you from both of us for your kind wishes, prayers, and support. We are plugging along and taking the good days with the bad. I am grateful for such lovely weather and the opportunity to lose myself in my yard and work in my gardens. So very healing. Thinking of you all. Love, Kate.

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Mermaid Tears

Ok...Lora...on this day...46 years ago...a baby girl was placed in my arms...and that set the sun in my sky...24 hours later..she got very sick...she did not get out of the hospital til she was 3 months old...then she got sick again... she was out of the hospital for 5 days...she went back....and she did not get out til she was 6 months old.....I was told..."well...we don't know if she can make it"...."well...we just don't know'.....then there was 1996...my Dad had this health issue...if he kept on with his treatments...he could live...many more years...he stopped...I was called to come and try to convince him to keep them up....I got there early in the morning...(I lived out of state and had got in late at night)...and when I got there....he told me this.....

Susie...I know you are here to tell me to keep on...but at 3 o'clock this morning..I woke up and there was your Mama sitting right there in the chair...with me and she stayed with me a long time.....so....all I want is to be with Mimi in Heaven....

Now...this is the man...my Dad...that had never told a 'wendy'...had never exaggerated one thing...he was a College graduate from A& M...with a degree in Physics....he was analytical...2 and 2 ARE 4...he was a "scratch golfer'...and he loved to fish....and he absolutely adored my Mom...his 'baby doll'....that was her nickname since she was born...because she was simply so beautiful...I was never...ever that beautiful....but that is ok....because I adored her, too....we were a team...in fact...he liked to tell people that..."me and Mama and Susie had Bubu and Becky".....I was 10 years old when they were born...anyway.....

Do you think I would tell my Dad he was not in his right mind...that what he was telling me was not the truth...that he 'really did not see his Babydoll sitting beside him'.....no way....I was still his daughter...and he was still my Dad....the Dr. told me that he had 6 more months to live without treatments......

that did not happen....anyway......he left to go to be with my Mom on June 13th.....

later....I asked Randa how she felt about him 'passing' on her birthday...and she said...

I know he is with Mimi....(and by the way....when she was born...she was a real 'Mimi and Boompa' baby.....very close to them....

So I guess what I am trying to let you know....that she...your Cara...is there....sometimes a little bit of clarity comes to me...and I know that 'all is well'....and then I am back at the beginning of it all...and I am washed with the grief...I can only hope with this 'telling' of this date...that you know that ...we are just all in this together....we will take what is...what was...and go forward.....and all I wish for you is peace...healing...and come together....I am very, very tired...for I have had so much on my plate...I wish I had had the time to be 'better with the telling' of my story...maybe later...I just wanted you to have my message....your 'baby girl' is with you and of you....

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Susan, that telling of your family stories was lovely, the message is clear, that clarity you spoke of was present in your stories. We are connected by and through our stories, the dates and the criss-cross of our lives, like a giant ball of yarn being tossed from family to family here and over time, no matter how many join us, we all unite, we pass the ball of yarn and further our discussions and our connections.

Oh, and I am sure that your Mom was sitting there as proof of that next world to your analytical Daddy.

Kate, glad that the weather is good. Ours was lovely today.

Lora, I know you wish you had the stone but when it comes and is set into the area, you can send us a photo of it. Yes, I was thinking the very same thing, I might pass your Boy on the street and not even know it, however I live in the suburbs just outside the city. I do end up in the city on Wednesday nights for my class.

Oh, the class critiqued my story and they are all almost in agreement that it should be a chapter book for 3-5th graders. WHAT? I do understand the thought, there is too much info. to fit in a storybook, but oh, my carry through is not so great, so writing a longer book could be difficult. I will try though, it is exciting.

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Hold your Momma close today and let her feel your love and your peace. Hold her so that she knows it is you, and let your Daddy feel you sweep past him as well.

Davey, you left 10 years ago, you are loved and missed each day and no amount of time will change this.

Sherry, we are here holding your hand and your heart. Let the tears roll as they come, and know that your Boy is sitting beside you loving you.

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Rich, this golden day is marked by your birth, the day that rings so sweetly of you. You came into the world and began to gather love. It is all still with you, the shine of it twinkling in the sky tonight.

Happy Birthday Rich.

Betsy, I hope that this date marks a time of great joy for you and I hope that Rich shows you he is near today.

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dear newbie,

i am so sorry to hear you also have lost a precious son. i have found the shock has been a hard thing to manage. i have been at this longer than you and i seem to be pretty practiced at keeping it at bay. i think only because i was afraid if i let my grief show on the outside for a long time my other children were going to feel lost, having their own grief and not having their mother be emotionally present for them might cause them even more pain so i have worked hard at keeping it at bay until i am alone. i will write you more later i have to get some sleep but you have come to a very helpful place. sharing and reading here is what has helped me more than just about anything else. those people that want you to move on don't have any idea that you don't move on, that your child is in your heart and thoughts all day everyday and you have no intention of leaving your child behind. i can't bear the thought of my son being forgotten so i work hard to have a couple events a year to keep him front and center for everyone.

please tell us all about your son and how you are feeling. even when i was screaming and crying as i wrote no one ever offered anything but kindness and understanding. we are hear to listen to whatever you need to say.

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Guest Trista's_Mom

I lost my 17 year old daughter, Trista, in a car crash on June 1st. My heart is shattered. I still feel like I am waiting for her to come home. Every morning I have to wake up and realize all over again that she's gone. My days are spent missing her so deeply. I am trying to be strong for my two boys but most of the time I just want to go be with her. Night times are filled with panic attacks and every time I close my eyes I see that mangled car. I don't know how to do this. I don't know if I can. I found this site today and have read a lot of the stories shared here. I'm hoping it will help me to be here.

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JD's Mom, Becky

Thinking of you today, Sherry, on this day that marks Davey's angelversary!

Betsy, also thinking of you on Rich's birthday!

God bless you both. Does it ever get any easier?

Susan, I enjoyed reading your family stories as well! I have had so many signs from Jared, that there is no doubt he is around us. I wish I could actually see him and touch him. I keep telling him that it would not freak me out and he should come! :rolleyes:

Trista's mom, & Newbie, I am so sorry you have to be here, but we will be here to listen and hopefully help you through this awful time. I have been here about a year and a half, after losing my 15 year old son, Jared, hit from behind while riding his skateboard, 1/4 mile from our home. They think he died instantly. My first months I was so numb, I know I must have had the outward appearance of coping very well, as I planned the funeral in detail, even sang at his funeral, but once that numbness began to wear away, I spent months thinking about him every minute of the day, wishing to see him and hold him, and was consumed by the "missing" of my boy. We have also been going through the process of a civil suit, as the police did not charge the driver with anything, and that has added to the layers of grief. I am trying to stay busy, but he is never far from my thoughts. I am still very sad.

I ended up in the hospital yesterday, pain in bladder and not able to pass any urine at all. Miserable. They did blood and urine tests, and gave me some meds to help with pain and flow, but did not have a clear answer as to why. I am insulin diabetic, so I did not hesitate to be seen at the ER. Feeling a bit better today.

Gretchen, I know exactly what you mean about holding it in for the sake of your other kids. I have done the same thing, and often wait until I am here alone to cry. There have been a few times that I just couldn't hold on for that private time, and got up in the middle of the night, come downstairs to touch his urn, and speak his name, and try to cry softly until I was able to return to bed and to sleep.

The storm today blew a few limbs off the trees, and knocked over our grill that I had just spent a week repainting and repairing with all new "guts". It broke two of the three knobs on the front off and they are broken. Burners were loose, and part of the front out of place. Took about an hour to try to put it back right. The repair was supposed to be my gift to my husband for Father's day, as he likes to grill. We got one meal off of it before the storm has now put it out of commission... geez.

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trista's mom--oh the newness of your pain is so overwhelming. i lost my son almost 2 years ago when his girlfriend fell asleep at the wheel and went into the back of a parked semi at a rest area going 67 miles an hour. the horrible shock of finding out still blasts through my mind unprovoked and causes me to shout out NO involuntarily. i also had panic attacks at night. i had to get a small dose of xanex when it was too bad. it will get better, well the rawness of the wound won't sting as much but the deep pain you will have to learn to live with. that is where this site came to my rescue. it is so early for you though don't expect much of yourself. please let us hear about your daughter when you feel like it. a place where you can tell us good bad whatever. we just know what it is like and want to be here when the outside world doesn't understand.

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Of course, I still don't have color, nor paragraphing capability, so I will do my best with these wishes. Sometimes, if I copy a statement from someone, and it is in color, it will come out in color, so I will try that. Then I can use it to add color to my post. Weird, I know, but...whatever works. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICH...Betsy, know that your beloved son is with you always...his sweet spirit always "the music in [your] heart" my heart holds you close as you remember this day that brought such joy into your life...

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Same explanation goes for this post as the previous one for Betsy...no color, no paragraphing, but I have found that with some imagination and creativity, I can make it work somewhat... DAVEY DAVEY DAVEY .......be with your mom and dad on this day and help them to remember all the joy your days on earth brought to them. Sherry, my thoughts are with you today, holding you close and sending you love and strength.

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Sherry and Betsy - You are in my thoughts and prayers today.

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Sherry and Betsy, the bond that you shared with Davey and Rich will never be broken. Love never dies. Thinking of you today and sending love and prayers. Kate

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Triasta's mom - I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I have three children, one daughter, and I cannot begin to imagine. Sending you hugs....

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Davey, Davey, Davey, remembering you today and always as our computer savvy angel. Sherry, over the years we try to understand the reason to it all. Davey's birth, Richs birth, fully knowing that that reason they left so soon will never been known until we see our children again. And as my mother once said, at that time we will no longer care.

I attended a kite festival this past April. As I sat upon a grassy knoll my phone rang and it was Sarah. As we talked things started to happen right in front of me and I told her, " you should see this". My first video will not receive any awards ha. First time using that camera feature. As I watch this it does help in some small way. When you hear me say, " thank you", I was talking to Rich. Sometimes I feel a push to get out the door and that day was one.


Some of us fall by the wayside

And some of us soar to the stars

And some of us sail through our troubles

And some have to live with the scars

There's far too much to take in here

More to find than can ever be found

But the sun rolling high through the sapphire sky

Keeps great and small on the endless ride in the circle of life

It's the wheel of fortune

It's the leap of faith

It's the band of hope

Till we find our place

On the path unwinding

In the circle, the circle of life

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JD's Mom, Becky

Betsy, it says the video is private and won't allow viewing.

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Trista's Mom, we are here for you as you tell us your stories. I am so sorry for your loss, the ache is horrid. THat you found us this early on tells me that you are trying to understand what is happening to you. It is a long process, and this is the beginning of it, try to be patient with yourself. Panic adn pain and fear and more are all part of this early piece. My girl was 19 when she died, nearly 10 years ago.

Becky, I sure hope that you are okay today and that the doctors figure out what was going on.

Betsy, I love the poem, could not open the video however.

Laurie, those swans...I am sure your Boy was giving you a sign of peace and how lovely.

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OK. Try it now.

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Mermaid Tears

Betsy....you caught a teensy little 'reaching out' message...I think we all can if we are 'still' and alert and open...and we first have to relax our 'grief muscles'....mine are tense and tight...most of the time...this morning I relaxed a little and could hear the birds singing up the sun..

So...today....I want to wish a wish for you, Betsy and you, Sherry...that your hearts are 'still...alert...open...and relaxed' and will receive a hug and message from your SONshine...

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Mermaid Tears

For Newbie and Trista's Mom....I was 'led' to this site...my SONshine, John David, passed just about 10 months ago...and it is just so damn hard...please read the posts that have been posted...you may find a 'word or words' that can bring a layer of gentle comfort in simply knowing you are not alone...grief is such a physical thing...heavy..hard..and relentless...and you will need to find a way to be very, very good to yourself....this is called 'self care'...you will find it hurts so much...it is hard to breathe...and you will have to 'come up for air'....and you will be knocked down to your knees so many times you will lose count....we walk the same path...in the same shoes...you will find those on this site that will throw you a life line when your human boat is about to sink....you will find that you are not 'abnormal' but simply trying to find your new normal....let us know about your child...about how you are 'getting by' or not 'getting by'....sending you Blessings.

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Mermaid Tears

Dee...keep us posted about the 'book' and the classes...life is such a learning curve....and the other day I was thinking..who better than you to know of 'children and grief'....??

Lora...am happy to hear that today is a new day for you....and you and Dee put a new 'spin' on my June 13th date....there are so many different directions to look at 'something'...what one cannot see...another one can....that is why we are all in this together...

Becky...I do hope you are feeling better...UTI's are so bad for women...thankful they gave you the medication to make it better...and hope you will rest your body...and mind....and give yourself a vacation from grief and invite Peace and Healing into your heart. We all know that your Jared would want his Mama to find rest.

Del....thinking of you....

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Susan, I will keep you posted indeed, right now I just kind of feel overwhelmed by the thought of writing a LONG piece. I consider myself a writer of brevity.

Maybe I will learn how to do this.

I hope it is a lovely day wherever you all are. It is here. I just had a nice 40 minute walk with my PRINCESS, Erica . For those that are new, she is my 2 month old Grand girl and named in honor of her Aunty, my Daughter, Erica. Boy is she cute.

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Lora, I am crying with the sweetest ever post that Jared wrote. Oh my how lovely, he truly gets it. God love him as he goes forward able to let others know what it is to find your way. He is a Dear dear Boy/Man. Cara, smiling on him.

I have a page of quotes on my window here in my office, and one of my favorites is by Winnie too; If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.

How is he doing looking for a place in Chicago? Let me know if there is anything I can do for him.

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Hello Indigo's, thank you for the Birthday Wishes for Rich. After , I did pick out 2 balloons, a red heart and one of blue, like Richie's eyes. I drove to the park, said a prayer, tired a note to the string and while they floated, ever so slowly, I hope they make it over the mountains, I took a picture and texted Sarah. So she was there too.

Tuckered out tonight. I read everyone’s kind words. Thank you.


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betsy your day sounds lovely considering of course, but i love the things you did to celebrate rich's life!

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lora--brought tears to my eyes. not much does that to me anymore. give him a hug from us

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Thank you Moderators for deleting advertising. Now I shall delete my post.

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Just stopping by to let you all know that our grandson arrived in this world on June 6th at 8:30 am. He is absolutley beautiful and has stolen my heart. Rachel did well and is recovering from her C-Section without problems. Her mother in law has been there helping her and for that I am thankful. She is still very guarded with me, so will just try to accept that and wait for her to work through her loss. Oh,yeah, forgot the stats. His name is Jackson Michael 7# 6 oz, 19 inches long and quite a bit of dark hair. His 2 1/2 year old sister loves him as do our 2 other grandaughters. He will be spoiled for sure.

My knee/leg has been very painful but I start physical therapy Monday. Hoping not to have to do it too long before the insurance will finally approve the MRI. I am working on packing. We have our apartment but with work and my bum leg it has been hard to make good progress. Hoping to get alot done now that it is the weekend. I so hope we never have to move again.

Kate, you and your hubby are in my thoughts and prayers. I know that this is a very hard time and it is frustrating when our "friends" know what is good for us, when they really have no clue. You are an amazing woman and have been there for alot of people and know that those of us who really get it are here, anytime for you.

Have a good weekend all.


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Betsy, thanks for letting me know from where those words were from...beautiful. I love your balloons flying off. I know that Rich saw his Momma's signs and smiles like crazy with them. Such a pretty smile.

Kate, I don't know what this trash is on our site but i will ask Konnie to get rid of it, she has helped in the past.

I am sorry that your ' friend ' thinks it is okay for her to be your spiritual guide, she says to let him go...has she noticed that letting him go is exactly what you had to do and that the ensuing grief is due to that. Letting one go is why we are here, we unwillingly had to let our Baby go, go off to the next place, but they will always ALWAYS be in our daily lives, and for those that cannot handle that, it is their problem not ours.

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Sandy, congratulations. Apparently we posted at the same time so I did not see your good news till just now. WOW! A sweet Jackson Michael in your lives. I am glad. I hope your Daughter will be able to find steps toward you and your husband again. Prayers for that and for your leg to heal. I am glad that you found a new place, is it close to the girls?

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Sandy, how lovely about your newest addition to the family. Also, please take care of yourself and I hope that things will soon improve with your leg. Dee, thanks for the support. I am definitely on edge right now. I feel like a sponge that has absorbed everything that I can. I am just exhausted both physically and emotionally. It is a really lovely day today. I bought the flowers for the memorial garden at Jeff's bench. Think I'll take a walk into the site and see if I can plant them. I am thinking of all the Dad's on this forum and wishing you a day filled with loving memories and hopefully peace tomorrow. Have a truly good Father's Day surrounded by your angels. Love to all, Kate

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I lost my daughter and unborn grandchild in a shooting this past March. I am fairly new to this site and totally lost. I joined this site to converse, but there is no one on the Chat at any given point and time. It's becoming frustrating. I've reached out and no one is there. I've made an attempt to locate a local grief counselor with no luck. Does anyone use the Chat room?

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dear newbie,

i am so sorry to hear you also have lost a precious son. i have found the shock has been a hard thing to manage. i have been at this longer than you and i seem to be pretty practiced at keeping it at bay. i think only because i was afraid if i let my grief show on the outside for a long time my other children were going to feel lost, having their own grief and not having their mother be emotionally present for them might cause them even more pain so i have worked hard at keeping it at bay until i am alone. i will write you more later i have to get some sleep but you have come to a very helpful place. sharing and reading here is what has helped me more than just about anything else. those people that want you to move on don't have any idea that you don't move on, that your child is in your heart and thoughts all day everyday and you have no intention of leaving your child behind. i can't bear the thought of my son being forgotten so i work hard to have a couple events a year to keep him front and center for everyone.

please tell us all about your son and how you are feeling. even when i was screaming and crying as i wrote no one ever offered anything but kindness and understanding. we are hear to listen to whatever you need to say.

my son was/is his brothers best friend. robert was 29 and at 26 he bought a house a few minutes from me. he asked his brother to move in for free while in college. we are trying to keep roberts house for his brother no will , who thinks they would need a will at 29? he had a great job and the people at work miss him also. Robert never caused me any grief while alive, the best son i could have along with his brother, so kind to eveyone. his sudden stroke is so hard on us, no way to say goodbye.
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I lost my daughter and unborn grandchild in a shooting this past March. I am fairly new to this site and totally lost. I joined this site to converse, but there is no one on the Chat at any given point and time. It's becoming frustrating. I've reached out and no one is there. I've made an attempt to locate a local grief counselor with no luck. Does anyone use the Chat room?

I am so sorry for your losses. So very tragic to lose your daughter and her child, your grandchild. You have found a great place to share, when you are able, the love and life of your daughter and the grief of also losing a child as well as an unborn child. I do not use the chat however I do see people there on occasion. There is usually always someone here on this sub-forum and if you'd like to talk, ramble,rage...we are here and listening without judgment. We do have a member that started a Compassionate Friends Group in Nevada and I believe another member, Greg, that is also a great source of information as he belongs to a group as well.

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Jesse David & Taylor Mom


Betsy, was thinking of you yesterday for your son, Rich.

Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart."

Your son was remembered...may you feel his comfort this weekend.

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Mermaid Tears


I lost my daughter and unborn grandchild in a shooting this past March. I am fairly new to this site and totally lost. I joined this site to converse, but there is no one on the Chat at any given point and time. It's becoming frustrating. I've reached out and no one is there. I've made an attempt to locate a local grief counselor with no luck. Does anyone use the Chat room?

I have never been in the Chat room here...I started posting on the "Loss of Adult Child" for my beloved son, John David, was 42 when he passed. I do post in other sites for the journey we are all on...has a common thread to it all...it is called ...GRIEF...and we have lost a child, husband, wife, brother, sister, Mom, Dad, best friend...etc.....and grief is a very physical thing...very heavy, hard and relentless...we are knocked down to our knees...we hurt so bad we can hardly breathe....there are so many issues and layers in our mourning....we can feel abnormal...and all we are doing is searching for our 'new normal'....

Dee wrote...'our lives were changed when that child was place in our arms...and our lives changed when they passed from our arms'.....so true.....if I had a circle of friends that lived close to me that had lost a child...I would not need this forum...but I do...I need those that are walking this path...walking in my shoes...for until you lose a child...one can never...ever...know just how damn hard this is.

Please tell us about your precious daughter...and that amazing unborn grandson...let us know how you are doing...many of us already know how you hurt..and feeling lost and not heard....so many on this site will be able to reach out their hands and hearts to you...we are all in this together...no one should go through this by themselves...I feel as if I was 'led' to this site....and it has been a 'partner' with me in my deep mourning...and a comfort to my shattered heart.

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Jesse David & Taylor Mom




We say your name in remembrance to honor your beautiful life....

Thinking of you Sherry...

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