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Loss of an Adult Child


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Betsy, the Kids resemble you a great deal. It is fun to see you with them, the relationships between you three. I like the face Rich is making there. Hey, how is your Daughter these days?


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Lorri, love the photo of Kourt, such a free spirit, so naturally pretty.

Lynn, the photo of you and Kayla together also shows the resemblance. What smiles you share!

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I'm loving the pictures everyone!

Update on Tattoo Mike - they took him off the "life support" - (sorry, hate that phrase!) at about 11:00am today, as of 4:26 he was still holding, his family is with him.  That is all I know for now - thank you so much for asking.  I'll let you know when i know more.

Going to bed, really tired.  I did a bake sale at our local Moose Lodge tonight (I have made completely from scratch in the last two days a pecan pie, pumpkin pie, custard pie.  Mostly from scratch an apple pie and out of the box devils food.  Then I lugged it all to the Moose (with the help of my wonderful husband) and sold them at our dinner.  Raised about $100.00 to go to the children's charity.  But yeah, my feet hurt!

By the way, Adams best girls Abby and Rachel both got tattos in Adam's honor today.  (The girls both turned eighteen this week - Abby on Wednesday and Rachel on Friday so they went today. )  We are so very touched and just in awe that they would do such a thing.  We love these girls so much  and so much more than they will ever realize.

Love Terrie Adam's mom

Love to all, stay safe and warm inside this nasty weather.

Terrie (Adam's mom)

This one is Abby's and it is along her left side from about ribs to about hips.  It says ARC and then in a line staight down her said says Always By My Side.  And there are stars.  It looks really great.


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IT WORKED, I got the photo to work!

Okay, now I will post Rachel's.  Hers is on the left portion of her back just below the bra strap and to the left of her spine but high enough also.  I think she picked a good location if you dont want everyone seeing it.  It really represents what I have been thinking of getting.  We love these girls so much, they just do not understand how much it means to us that THEY wanted to do this for Adam.  It was the three of them, always, thru everything.  They loved each other and still do..

Thanks again for listening and looking.

Goodnight,, Terrie (Adam's  mom)



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%3Ca%20href=JudyandAaron191.jpg" ALT="">

This WAS my living family.  L to R  Aaron, Brian (our Angel), Michelle, Jake (Michelle's bf)

I love this picture.  I said SMILE BRIAN.  and this is what I got.

Colleen, Brian's Mother forever

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Rachel and Abby's tatoos are wonderful.  My daughter, Michelle has 2.  One for Grandma and one for Brian.  Their form of expression.

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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Terrie, love Rachel and Abby's tattoos. True testament to their forever Buddy, Adam. Thanks too for the update on Mike. Prayers continue.

COl, love the photo of the whole Gang in light blue. Brian looks just like his Mum.

Sleep well All,


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Hope it is not to late to include Adam in whatever is being done.  I just saw the message.

Here is a photo of Adam sitting in the high school football bleachers just smiling, don't know who to, but that was his regular, just smiling! I believe he is 14 years old in the photo.


Love Terrie (Adam's Mom)


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Can't seem to get it to work tonight, oh well.

Latest update on Mike Stegler Tattoo Mike:  10/9/09 10:43pm:

"Just got a txt from Mike's sister: Our brother is a rock...he is 11 hrs off the machien and still hanginong on.  Our prayers for him are to let go now...it's ok..."


Thank you all who continue to keep Mike and his entire family in your prayers.

Love to all, Goodnight. Terrie (Adam's mom)

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To all my friends

Tatoo Mike - Heaven is where our children are - they will great you with open arms.

Mary - Congrats on the new job.  Yes it does make sense to need a break.

Sonya - Love your sisters poem about Danielle

Lorri - You are not mean, you just have new priorities now

Bonnie - 2 weeks until I leave for a much-needed vacation.

Dee - Are you keeping warm and dry?  It has been drizzling here for 4 days.

Colleen, Brians Mother Forever

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Happy Birthday :dude:

I know Kayla is there smiling and cheering your on.




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Colleen said she knew me immediately in MN.....I looked like Mike.  The greatest compliment for a travelling wilbury from down under.

I look at Jay, Brian (all of them), Dee, Kayla, Kourntney, Adam, Stephen, Jessica, Erica, Danielle, Joey, Mike (all of them) and many who's parents have posted a pic of themselves at one time and there they are........Miss Bethany has her mums sense of style and that comes through once you have met Marcia.

Greg - I wish you well with the golf and the pictures....I know your work and its amazing.....

Better day today.  Sunshine, spring everywhere.  Went walking with Steven's family and pup.  Jeya is my time marker.  She was about 1 month old when Mike left.  She makes me smile.  Her little voice, "I come your house" and those hugs only little ones can give......Is that light above the abyss? 

Highlight of the day.....Mother duck and family (9) walking through the parkland to the lake.......


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Here are the baby ducks......for that awwwwww we all need. 

Trudi  :cool:


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Happy birthday, Lynn..May your beautiful Kayla send only sweet memories to your heart as her gift to you for this day...

Sonya:  Holding you close and thinking of you today.  I pray that Danielle will surround you with her joy to help heal your heart.

Terrie:  The pics of the tats are just so awesome...what a way of honoring their friend...I love how the "Always By My Side" is placed, and the ARC with the wings is just so great!  I am so glad that you have people who love Adam so to be around you and remind you of how much they love him.  I am holding tattoo Mike and his family close in prayer.

Mary:  I was glad to put Drew's picture on here for you...I am so sorry to hear that you are leaving the area...I had no idea that you lived in Boston...I live just 55 miles north of Boston, in NH.  I do wish you the best with your new path, though, and please do sign on whenever you can...we will be keeping you in our thoughts and would love to know that you are okay. 

Colleen:  The pic of the kids is just great...I get it about telling Brian to "smile," their interpretation of "smile" is so different from ours...lol!  I can see your kind, pretty face in each of them, Col...they do you proud! 

Lorri:  I have seen a few "Mikes" since Mike's passing, a couple of which stopped me in my tracks and took my breath away.  Trudi's Mike is so similar, not only in looks but in his lifestyle, music, etc.  Thanks for sharing, and noticing. 

Trudi:  You must have been posting while I was "composing."  I am so happy to hear a lighter tone in your posts, and that you had such a sweet day...and the pics are just so great...thanks for sharing...your sweet Jeya so pretty and full of joy!  Can I share in that "light" above the abyss? 

On Sunday, they will be saying the Mass in Mike's name, as his angelversary is on the following Thursday.   This has been a dark one for me, guys...I remember the day that Mike left for the Marines...he was one month past his 18th birthday...so young and fresh and new to the adult world...I was so proud of him and yet so scared for him...for us as well.  That night, when I went to bed, I heard a "clunk" against the headboard behind me...I looked up to see that he had put his watch and the chain with the cross on it that he'd worn for the last 4 years since his Confirmation, around the bedpost.  I reached up to touch them, and finally broke down and cried til I finally slept.  As glad as I was for him to be advancing to the next stage of his life, It seemed that his life at home with us was ending all too soon...and then I held his hand some 13 years and one month later, as he took his last breaths, taking a piece of my heart with him again, and it seemed again that his life with us was ending all too soon...only this time, it was forever.   I don't need to tell anyone here how I feel right now...we have all been here where I am now, and we all will be there many times in the years ahead, until we meet again our precious child who lived under our heart for 9 months and then crept into our heart forever on the day of their birth...Mike asked me not to cry for him after he was gone...oh, Mike, I am so sorry my dear son, but how can I not?

I hope you will all forgive me for taking up so much space, but I have been going through pics to gather some for Mike's flag, and came across these I'd like to share:

Mike's leaving for the Marines:


Mike on his new "wheels"...he loved them...and hardly ever "walked" anywhere ever again!!!


Mike, at his favorite sport, even before we knew his passion was so strong...you can't see his face very well, but I love the way the sun shines through his pant leg and shows his little-boy leg...he was so happy he'd made it to first base!


Mike graduating from preschool, and then, in a blink, graduating from high school:


Mike as a police cadet, with the Boy Scouts...Mike was a Scout for over 10 years, until he turned 18.


And, finally, Mike in his favorite role:  "dad"


Thanks everyone, for sharing this with me...

love and peace, Carol  mikesmom

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Dee, that's a beautiful photograph of Erica.

The photo of "us", it was a warm,humid day. I think the last thing Rich wanted to do was mow a high lawn but he went go- cart riding after. 

Carol, great set of wheels Mike has there and the Red Sox fans, so cute.

Terrie, nice designs the girls choose. Yes, forever by their side . Prayers for Tattoo Mike ang his family. 

Trudi, Jeya makes me smile with her cute little smile and hat. 

Sonya, (((hugs)))) 

Lorri, sparkles in her eyes.


Our children have so much energy,here and where they are now. This poem by Emily Dickinson , our children , spirit high, always.

Because I could not stop for Death—

He kindly stopped for me—

The Carriage held but just Ourselves—

And Immortality.


We slowly drove—He knew no haste

And I had put away

My labor and my leisure too,

For His Civility—



We passed the School, where Children strove

At Recess—in the Ring—

We passed the fields of Gazing Grain—

We passed the Setting Sun—

Or rather—He passed Us—

The Dews drew quivering and chill—

For only Gossamer, my Gown—

My Tippet—only Tulle—

We paused before a House that seemed

A Swelling of the Ground—

The Roof was scarcely visible—

The Cornice—in the Ground—

Since then—'tis Centuries—and yet

Feels shorter than the Day

I first surmised the Horses' Heads

Were toward Eternity—











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Good Morning guys,

Greg,  I so wish you a hole in one today!

Trudi,  yes, the ducklings were the exact awwww needed this morning in Virginia.  Thank you!  One tough week down ...... just remember it's all in the name of love.

Betsey,  it makes me happy to see you posting so regularly!  Loved the poem!  Thank you!


Know that huge hugs and lots of love are floating your way from Virginia.  I love the pictures and your words.  The hug picture brought tears to my eyes.  But, I will admit the last couple of days that seems to be the norm rather than the occasional.  Love you sweetie!


You have my heart.  I think about you ........ I think about you and I send you strength.


Everytime I see Eri's graduation picture, I look at it through tear filled eyes.  Your girl is so you ..... beautiful.  Love!

We have a foster parenting class today.  I had a lot of trouble sleeping last night. Not sure how much I've shared but my Dad is in the final stages of Prostate Cancer. I was told yesterday that he has the "rattle".  Some of you will identify with that language.

We have a complicated relationship but he is still my Dad, a piece of my history.  I'm being chastised for not being there.  I had a special moment and shared love with him in June.  Those are the moments I choose to remember as my last.

Not sure how I will handle his services.  I'm one of seven and we are total opposites.  I seem to be the black sheep and have encountered less than pleasant reunions. My thoughts are to just stay away and be comforted by my memories but my heart says that I should be there to honor the ornery, cantankerous soul that was my Father and to represent Jason.  My Dad was the only person he ever referred to as "hero".

So, maybe I'll slip in and out and try to be invisible.

Tough, oh so tough times ..........

I need to get dressed, time is catching up with me this morning.


Bonnie, Jason's Mom

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Bonnie, going to your class is stepping forward, your Dad? Well there is a lot of history, stepping back, it is inevitable that his illness, and his leaving will force you to look back. Just hold on to who you are when you do, you may be the black sheep, but that does not mean you are a bad sheep. You are the one in the family who stood up and grazed different pastures. You went for honesty and gentleness, and you stand apart due to this. Sometimes standing alone in the face of so much ache is overwhelming, but it is who adn what you stand for that makes you the lovely woman I know, so glad to know.


Oh Mike Stegler hangs on, he is a rock isn't he Terrie? May he let it all give way and enter the trajectory to heaven.

Carol, never apologize for taking space for goodness sakes. It is in the space, (space between our breaths, space between the clouds), that we find our pieces. All those pieces that we glue back together with love and honor as our glue. There you are with your Boy, and there he is with the sun shining through his pant leg, revealing the Littleness of the Boy. All the pieces, all of them golden. I love your Boy, and knowing him more makes me blessed by Mike's life too. Thanks for sharing those special times. Indeed, you had to say good bye too many times.

I think on this very cold (frost) sunny day, I will go to the cemetery and weep into the wind. I feel tears on the ready, I feel the need to stand in the bracing cold with my Girl.

Love and hope,


GREG, may it be a wonderfully spirited day as you all golf toward the clouds.

Lynn, I raise my coffee cup to you in honor of your birthday.

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I haven't posted in a while.  On October 13, it will be 6 years since my daughter's death.  As all you know, it doesn't go away.  Peace to all who post here

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Thanks Bon, I love the grad photo of ERi, she just looks so pretty, her colors are so lovely, the pink of her cheeks and lips and her spray of freckles, the dark eyelashes and brows against her light skin...she is a forest of color. I miss my  little Bing.

hope the day is good and settling somehow.

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Hi Everyone 


Bonnie   So sorry to hear about your Dad.   It is wonderful that Jason thought of him as "His Hero"

Praying for your peace.


Dee  Beautiful picture of Eri She lights up the page.


Betsy Beautiful poem thanks


Julesmom Thinking of you.



Carol  I love all the pictures of Mike  I will light a candle at church Sunday in memory.

You inspired me to try to post a few of Stephen 


My 60 BD         4 years old       3 Years



Stephen's Mom

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Dee:  I love the picture of Eri, and I truly love your description of her...the love you feel just jumps out of your words...a beautiful heart describing a beautiful girl so loved...

Betty:  You did a great job with the pics...I love them all...the child to the man, and there's you, smiling such a pretty smile and how could you not, with your precious son's arm about you like that...

Betsy:  The poem gives a true appreciation for the depths of the words that come from poetry...thank you for sharing...

love and peace,  carol

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Lynn, may your birthday be filled with wonderful memories, may you find peace today, may you always know Kourt is with you.

Happy Birthday my friend.

Love, Terrie (Adam's mom)

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Bonnie - my heart to you as you dress and attend 'parenting classes'.  Having met you, mother of one scrubbed in sunshine, I have a hard time putting you in the black sheep catagory.  Family isn't easy.  Hold what is dear to your heart, the rest is just others stuff.  I know your heart - I saw it first hand, I see it with Pinnicle Days, fostering with a broken heart. May your dads passing be one of peace. 

Dee - Pls let me walk with you to Eri.  The biting cold the stinging tears, let me be with you.  You are one of  my strengths when the abyss beckons.  Holding you now as I write......a gentle soul missing her bing....

Carol - Its Sunday here, thoughts of you and yours as the Mass for Mike takes place.

For those sharing their babies lives....keep it coming.   None of our kids should be restricted to one day, that day. They most definitely lived, loved and were part  of a bigger picture...

Bright sunshine, clear skies..in the dirt today....gardening is therapeutic and down right dirty.......clawing my way back to the light from the abyss......Trudi  :cool:

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%3Ca%20href=DSC00879.jpg" ALT="">

This cross was made by one of Brian's friends.  He came to house and gave us 10.  I asked him if I could make copies and he said yes.  100 stickers later - I love it

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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Colleen, Love the sticker!  I see different ones on cars and every time I see one I say a prayer for them, I also just feel some connection to the people in the car, can't help it just do.  One of the kids did a sticker for Adam afte he passed, let me try to post (cause last night when I tried to post pics it didn't go well!!!)  Me - not so good with the computer!

The sticker with the skateboard was drawn by a friend of Adam's and the kids sold them for money for the scholarship fund, the one with the ARC and wings, my husband and I are the only ones with those and we had them made.

Terrie (Adam's mom)


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seriously, what the heck am I doing wrong??? I did the same thing for both pictures.  The computer is NOT loving me today.  I give up.

Terrie (Adam's mom)

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Lynn, I hope that you and Randy enjoyed your b-day.  Kayla was surely smiling down on you, so proud of how far along you have come since she left this earth. 

Hugs, to you !!!  Marcia     Bethany's Mom Forever

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I can see the skateboard.  Very cool! 

Happy Birthday Lynn!  I think I sent wishes earlier but I just want to make sure.


Thank you!

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   Love all the pics......all so nice.

Colleen.....beautiful stickers...so nice of Brian's

friend to design them. 

   Peace & tranquility to all at BI....sleep well.



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Terrie, cool sticker. I love that the kids did it, like Colleen's Son's sticker. Good friends, nothing better.

Thanks Carol and Trudi and Betty. I do love looking at my girl.

I went to the cemetary today, and I dropped some tears but I did not sob. I thought that I would but the sobbing was not there. It will come when I least expect it. I went about taking photos of angels, the statues that grace different graves. One day, Iwill post the Stone Angels. Protectors of our Babies.

Love to you all-

Trudi,  Jeya is a beauty, keep giving Granma hugs Jeya.

Betty, love the photos, you are very pretty, blue eyes? STephen's Mom is a pretty lady.

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Danielle, a beautiful angel. May your Mom and family feel your warmth today. And if you want to throw in a couple curse goods for good measure, that may also bring tears to your mom's eyes but what we have come to learn is a part of your spirit. 





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[align=center]Danielle ...........

[/align]I'm saying her name ............

Danielle .............. 

[align=right] Danielle ...........


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Danielle, Danielle, Danielle,

May you party like the beautiful Angel that you are, dance and shout and laugh. Your smile will glisten in the skies, others will think that there is an extra bright star out there...and they will be right. You are an extra bright star.

Sonya, your little Lovely is holding you and her Daddy, and James, and Mattie as best she can. She is breathing you in and loving you across time.

Love to you,


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I too am Saying Her Name



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Posting one last time as a reminder and for anyone who hasn't seen it yet ....

Hi folks, I have an idea for Pinnacle Days and thought I would share it with you. I want to have a streamer of  flags that represent our children.

 I recently asked what color reminds you of your child, what symbol, etc....I was going to make flags to represent each of our children.

 With all the happenings in my life recently, I don't know that I will have time to accomplish this. I also thought that you might want to do this yourself.

 I would like to display these flags strung together as representation of our children at Pinnacle Days. Not only this year but for years to come.

 Try to keep the size to 12" x 18" with a one inch overlap at the top to string the rope through.

It could also attach with ties, etc ... your choice.

The shape is up to you they don't all need to be the same.

 The setting for Pinnacle Days is  outdoors and rustic so I will put these together on a rope string.

So, if you just cannot do this and would like your child represented, post your idea and either I or some other parent may be able to help.


Think of your flag as a quilt square that represents your child ......

I plan to use an article of Jay's clothing to make his. Not sure what symbol I will use yet. Maybe more than one symbol. Make sure their name or initials are on it. Perhaps the beginning and ending year. It's up to your imagination and what you carry in your heart.

I would not use clue unless it's weather proof. Sometimes it rains and the air is damp. The flags will be undercover but the damp air could have an impact. What do you think? Ideas to share? Can you do it?

Thanks! Bonnie, Jay's Mom

I've had some good questions stem from this request.  I'm going to share the answers so it will help.

The opening for the rope entry would be best on the 12" end.  I really don't care but the grouping would look better if they are uniform in size and length. You decide the shape.  Variety is the spice of life so whatever you do will be perfect!

It should probably be doubled sided or at least look finished on both sides. They don't need to be perfect!

If you do not sew but want to put something together, I will try to finish it for you. I don't want anyone left out because of an issue like that.

If you are sending one, let me know and I will PM you my address.

Pinnacle Days are the weekend of October 24th.  Just make sure it arrives by the 22nd so I have time to assemble before we leave for The Cove.

Yes, you are more than welcome to send flags for others. They will all be displayed.

I'm excited about this!  Our kids will hopefully wave at us all weekend!


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Good morning everyone, i hope your days have been filled with a lot of love and joy. the new pictures of all your Angels were beautiful.

GREG, i did try to send a new picture of Brian, but it would not post.  i hope you had a good time at the golf tournament.

DANIELLE, happy birthday you beautiful angel.

SONYA, hope you had a great time at your parents 50th anniversary.

LYNN, happy birthday, and many more.

KATHY, happy anniversary  36 years and counting.

MARY, good luck on your new job.

TERRIE, prayers for you and your friend Tatto MIke and his family.

BONNIE, how are the plans for pinnacle days? sorry about your Dad, your in my prayers.

DAN, how are you ding, haven't heard from you in a while.

to everyone that i miss, SHERRY, MARCIA, COLLEEN, TRUIDI, CAROL, BESTY, DEE, LORRI, BETTY, BETH, LYNN, DAWN, AMANDA, JEFF,  you are all in my prayers.  haven't posted for a couple of day, still feeling down.  i hope i got most of the group, just trying to remember.

just missing my angel Brian.  just can't get started on this new life.  i hate it.

hope everyone has a great week,  hugs and best wishes.

mary ann   (hotsauce)

Brian's momdukes forgever.:?

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Thank you All for the birthday wishes. Its a new day, new year, a new Me.



You Are Influential and Skilled You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row.

You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.

People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.

You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.

You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.

You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.

You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.

At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.

You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.

Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

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Danielle, Danielle, Danielle

From Colleen, Brian's Mom

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Danielle may your Mom and Dad feel you around them all day today, may the memories of your life shared with them and Mattie and James bring smiles to your family on this day, may they feel you in the morning sunshine and see your spirit in the white fluffy clouds.  The birds will sing louder today, the flowers will be more fragrant and the sky will be bluer in the remembrance of your short time on earth.  Sonya my heart is with you and your family today as you grieve the loss of your sweet daughter, know she is in good company as all our angels surround her on this day.

Hoping for a peaceful day for you today,

Marcia  Bethany's Mom Forever

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It snowed in Wisconsin yesterday.  Not much!?!?!

Saw it while we were driving from Ill to WI after picking up Alex for the dance.

Snow, Oct. 10th AAHHGG


Sonya, I am sorry, It is Danielle's Angleversary, not birthday.  Forgive me, I am cold here in WI.

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Lorri, it is both the pain and the joy---that your souls are connected. One day the connection will be more joy than not for we are blessed to have ever known them.

Max Clealand spoke on the news the other night, he is a Vietnam vet who lost both of his legs and went through hell on earth learning to live a new life. Anyhow, he was disregarded by some of our former political leaders when he spoke up for the rights of our service people- he wrote a new book and I heard a clip of it, while I will not say it as he did, the gist of it was; Even the broken destroyed pieces of our lives and bodies can grow strong again.

I cried at the words, while our situations are so different than his, the application is the same. One way or another, we will strengthen because it is what we can do to honor our little ones. It was what he did to honor all those who fell on the battlefield.

We move on in unknown directions and destinations, but as George Harrison sang before he died from his cancer, You can't be lost if you don't know where you are going.

I take peace and joy in his words.



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May you shine your radiant smile down on your

family, especially your dear mom. Everyone loves you. 


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Hello all my friends

I am starting to pack for my trip to Virginia (VA).  I am very excited.  I plan on bringing my Birder's vest and book.  Perhaps I may get a life-lister (a bird you have never seen before; therefore, it is not on your life list)  (Life-list - a list of birds you saw, dates and places you saw them.)

Fun hobby.  I am really a backyard birder, but every year I try to go to Horicon Marsh for the Birding Festival.  Those people are serious birders - spotting scopes.

Aaron and Alex had a great time at the dance.  After the dance (11pm), they went to Aaron Neff's house - a friend, until 1am.  At about 2:30 am, I go down to check on them in the livingroom and they are laying on the couch totally making out ++++, all their cloths were on. - I said, HEY< WHATS UP - SIT UP.  I WILL BE BACK. and I went to bed. - Never did make it back, but they did not know that


Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever 

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