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As this year comes to a close so to...


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I can't wait until this year is over. As you might have noticed, I have lost 3 dear people in my life. Just when I thought I was coping with the first, I lost the love of my life, the only man who understood what I was all about. The one who sacrificed his dreams so that I may have my own. The man who fathered our beautiful, amazing children. Then if that wasn't bad enough, my brother died.

As I sit here in my quiet little house, the one my husband had built for me, I can't help but cry... I cry, not for me, but for my grandmother, who will not see her great-grandchildren, and she has 7, grow to be as wonderful as she. I cry for my brother who will not see his son graduate college, or get married, or his own grandchildren... but I cry most of all for my husband. He wasn't always easy, but he loved us with the passion one reserves for others greater than themself. He gave unselfishly of himself so that the ones around him would be celebrated. He never asked or expected anything in return.

My Charlie. My love. My heart. My soul. My world. I am completely lost without you. I feel as though I am nothing if you are not in my life. I was defined by our love.

thanks for reading.


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Hugs, hugs and more hugs! Such a year of losses takes it toll. My heart goes out to you. I have lost my other half, my dear husband, and my son all within 11 months. It makes me wonder some days how do we get through all this sorrow? My sister lost her husband 6 years ago and she said you just take it one day at a time. There are times she still has to do that. So, I just take her advise and take one day at a time. God's love to you!

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